Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 02

Chapter Three: The Lessons Begin. He forced me to repeat my rules over and over again for an incomprehensible amount of time as a mix of fear and anger continued to burn inside my exposed little body. I heard the words escape my parched lips “I am The Cunt” and “you are my Master” over … Read more

Revenge Chapter 3

Reading the other parts of the story first is important to the storyline. Enjoy! Chapter 3 Completing my education. I was panting rapidly as though I had just run a 400m sprint, feeling Tess underneath me panting as well. After almost a minute trying to recover, I gasped out “WOW” “Uh huh!” was the reply. … Read more


Moonlight danced on crashing waves, their thunderous energy spent in frothing fury on the face of the unyielding cliff. A wave receded, revealing the slender tip of a sinewy tentacle, clinging tenuously to the jagged wall of dripping stone. The full orb of the glowing moon was the irresistible lure, summoning the creature from the … Read more

The Spread Part 3

The cabin door closed behind Amelia with a slight mechanical whir. She rolled her head around, trying her best to get the kinks out of her neck; her hands massaging her shoulders. It was never an easy day being a doctor on a colonization ship, but any day that involved emergency surgery automatically ranked lower … Read more

Bait and Switch Retype – Ch 09-10

CH09 I know where I’m at as soon as the blue light penetrates my eyelids. My eyes fly open, but I’m disappointed to see I’m the only person in the room. The white light douses me, and I can feel my strength leaking from me, as it builds up my body. “Lela?” I call out, … Read more

Wet Dreams_(0) by

I know there has to be something wrong with this apartment. No one rents out a huge loft like this for one-tenth of the market value unless it’s haunted or something. But since I haven’t found a steady job yet, I don’t really have a lot of options. This is all that I can afford. … Read more

The Forgotten

“I need to ask you a favor,” said Steven. “Shoot,” replied Kevin. “I have to go out of town for a couple of days. Might turn into a week. It’s for my dad’s company. They need me to approve some things since…you know.” Kevin did know. He nodded to his friend, who was stroking his … Read more