The Pool Party

Ashley Henderson cooly lined up her shot. There was $800 sitting on the table that was hers if she sank the eight ball. She had started the night with twenty bucks. She lost all but a dollar of that setting up her mark. Then she lost that. “Double or nothing?” she asked plaintively. “You ain’t … Read more

Phantom: A Love Story

“There is nothing more desolate in all the abodes of men than an unfurnished house dimly lit, silent, and forsaken, and yet tenanted by the memories of evil and violent histories.” -Algernon Blackwood, “The Empty House” *** “I guess no one mentioned that Devereux Manor is supposed to be haunted?” Amelia paused with trowel in … Read more

TXR-92U-2280 – Call Name: Sara – Part 7

In a society that otherwise resembles our own, mass slavery has persisted into the 21st Century. It is a common and accepted feature of public and private life. Males and females of all ethnic backgrounds are held thrall, without status or legal rights. They are quite literally living property, and may be bought, sold and … Read more

The Power of the Illuminati – Ch. 05 – The Russian Model_(1)

My international business was done for now. I have to admit, I enjoyed raping that Iraqi girl, but she was definitely not the quality of woman I was used to. I needed something of a bit higher class. The intercom buzzed. “Sir, the limo has arrived.” “Excellent, send her up.” I leaned back in my … Read more

S.O.L. Games: Pet Teachers part 1/2

Pronounced ‘soul’ games. First-person, creepy, non-chronological, episodic stories inspired by the anime “Euphoria”, the book “Battle Royal”, the show “Squid Games”, etc. In this one, I choose two of my milf teachers. Always Start with the Prologue! Then other chapters can be read in any order! Link to all my stories and more chapters to … Read more

Taking Beth part 2_(0)

Part one Jackson, Jackson, Jackson! Since leaving the prison last week he was all Beth could think about. He dominated her waking thoughts, as she glided around the house in a dream world, frustrating her little daughter and annoying her husband at how distracted she was. Being taken forcibly in the Governor’s office had awakened … Read more

Instinctual Insemination_(0)

I’m not a young man, but when I sat in the doctors office with my wife as our doctor told us we couldn’t conceive, I had never felt so old. I never imagined being one of those couples that had to adopt, and definitely not one that imagined never having kids, but as the doctor … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 2

The Huntress Leader is a position of seniority to the band. Huntresses who volunteer before the enclave can create bands. Caris is the Huntress Leader. If ranked by ability, Caris would be a distant third or a solid fifth in the twelve person bands Huntresses that usually range around in. Caris didn’t want to follow … Read more