
Angela felt a weight on her abdomen; her eyes weren’t focused yet but she was very aware of something being very wrong. The pressure was holding her down on her bed and it didn’t seem as though she was able to move. She wasn’t able to discern much of the figure on top of her: … Read more

The Battered Lamp Chapter Eleven: The Heart of the Warrior

Wednesday, January 22nd “I wish my sister was healed!” Kyle demanded, cradling Fatima’s head on his lap. Aaliyah closed her eyes, shuddering, “It’s an enchantment. It’s beyond the scope of my power.” “So you could heal her if she was hurt?” She shook her head. “Healing isn’t hearth or harem.” “And neither is breaking a … Read more

A Prison Stpry Part 4

A Prison Story Part 4 – A New Whore Brian was relieved that the kid had at least momentarily left the cell but he dreaded James’s return. Would the kid bring back someone else to fuck him? Or even worse, would James return with a multitude? The though of even one more convict knowing was … Read more

King Dong: A Monster Movie Parody Act 4

ACT IV “Alright, so in the morning we’ll get another group together to go ashore. A couple of them that almost shit their pants today, they stay behind this time. Pick out guys that can handle themselves,” Karl said. “We’ll bring our trading materials along with us, see if we can’t bribe our way into … Read more

Invisibility – II

Invisibility – II (See Invisibility before reading) George drove home from the mall, his bags of minor stolen items sat in his back seat, his mind still grappled with the experience he shared, at least that’s the word he was trying to use in his mind. The pleasurable encounter that he shared with the beautiful … Read more

The Pit_(0)

The Pit ****************************** Roy Mitchell slapped a mosquito, rolled bloody ruin down his neck, and figured things couldn’t be much worse. “Scout!” He cried into the trees. He whistled. “Here, boy!” No answering bark came. “Scout!” The sun was all but set, and the dusk between the trees was the color of cobwebs. Scout, the … Read more

The Warehouse

There are certain secret places, worlds hidden within the world, and the ‘Warehouse’ was one of them. All wasn’t as it seemed at first glance. James Reese, the ‘Master’ of tonight’s initiation ceremony, stood on a platform overlooking the inside of the gigantic building. The inside of the warehouse was filled primarily with three things: … Read more

Bella Ana (Chapter 3)

Chapter Three The bus stopped in front of the school, a large rectangular brick building. Ana and Lizzie got off the bus and were greeted by a group of jeering boys. “He look, it’s Lezzie Lizzie,” one of the boys sneered. “Who’s your girlfriend Lezzie Lizzie?” Ana frowned. “I’m not her girlfriend!” The boy sidled … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 27) – Laura The Whore

Chapter 27 LAURA THE WHORE The Mayim Clinic’s next step for Laura was one of the worst. And they made her beg for it. When Laura turned up, high on her aphrodisiacs, pussy dripping, she wasn’t strapped to a machine or shown any films. Instead she was merely stripped naked, made to stand against a … Read more

Forced to be used.

His arm was tightly wrapped around her waist before she even realised what was happening. Dragging her into him, her scream was cut off by his other hand covering her mouth. Bucking and squirming in his grasp, she wasn’t giving in. She kicked her legs back against him, only to have him pick her up … Read more

Titcage (Chapter 34)

Chapter 34 TRAINING PART 1 When the girls had recovered from their surgery, and gotten used to their new huge tits, they went back to work at Titcage. On the Monday of their return, Michael called all of them into his office first thing in the morning, told them to strip naked, and fucked each … Read more

Broken Birds, Part 1, Beth’s Agony

Part 1 Beth’s Agony Light was fading as the sun fell beneath the rolling hills. He couldn’t stop staring at her swollen face, her right eye closed, her eyelid purple, angry black bruises beneath both eyes from her broken nose, lips distended. Her fine blond hair framed a hideously disfigured face. Her fragile form remained … Read more

Teen Burglar Part 1

Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom … Read more

The Amazon Rainforest Part-1

The Rainforest Part-1 1.01 Rain Forest Vacation: 1.02 The Amazon village: 1.03 The Clearing and Preparation: 2.01 Allen, Plant, Shemale Preparation: 2.02 Allen, Plant, Breast Growth: 2.03 Allen, Plant, Urethra, Prostate Enhancement: 2.04 Allen, Plant, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 2.05 Allen, Plant, Rectal Enhancement: 2.06 Allen, Plant, Feminization: 2.07 Allen, Daniel, Shemale Mating: 3.01 Sean, Enhancement … Read more

The Shark and Seal – Tourists in Hell Part 7

THE SHARK AND SEAL – TOURISTS IN HELL Ch. 7 – Enter the Vicious Vixen GARY It was Sasha. Rex’s woman. If he was the embodiment of cruelty, she was the scheming manipulator who loved to direct all that pent-up rage and depravity. I didn’t think he’d brought her with him. She must have been … Read more