Titcage (Chapter 23)

Chapter 23 THE USES OF A SLUT’S MOUTH At work the next day, Claire’s “panties” for the day turned out to be a Slut Stick. “Just keep it jammed up your cunt, there, Fucktwat, and every thirty minutes or so swap it with the one you’re licking,” said Michael. Claire slid the candy into her … Read more

A Family Betrayal Chapter 24

The rest of the day was full of all my kids pulling me here and there to see all that they could see. Even though they all wanted to ride the adult rides they had to deal with the kiddie ones. As the afternoon grew to evening it was time to meet up with the … Read more

Abduction – Taking Care of Our Need Chapter 1

I sat in my car at the corner of 29th and Wood Street and waited for Kelsey to turn the lights off. I had been studying her for nearly three months so I knew her routine like it was my own. Come home from work at the library, eat dinner, watch television until 10PM, turn … Read more

Anna Meets Her Stalker

Anna was a good looking 16 year old with long brown hair and pretty green eyes, had nice big boobs and a curvy figure. She had gone to a movie with some friends and was dressed for a girl’s night out wearing a skirt than came to her mid thighs, a tank top and a … Read more

Suffering From Sanity Ch 2

Chapter Two It had been three weeks since she had seen Greevly. Lolita replayed the restroom scene every night, wondering what happened. The music was consuming her brain, and sometimes she couldn’t even hear the world around her. Lauren, Stacy, Bov, and Danny ate with her every day, and they invited her to spend time … Read more

Curse of the Incubi Ch. 01

This story does contain some non-consent, so if you are not fond of such, please read no further. If you are under the legal age of reading a story of sexual nature, please exit now! All people portrayed in this story are over the age of 18. Chapter 1 Spring break… I’ve never really done … Read more

Rape 101: The Kidnapping

I was about 23 at the time, and in the perfect spot in my life. I was making alot of money at my job as a lawyer, and I had a fiancee that understood and respected my dreams. I was also beautiful, and I knew it. Cheerleader and valedictorian in High School, Golden Key Honor … Read more

The Penis Mightier Than The Sword

New club members seemed clumsier every year, but the kendo club had to accept all comers because of its abysmal turnover rate. They did not even have enough members to book the gymnasium for training this year. In a random classroom, these scrawny new girls were swinging their bamboo swords like feather dusters, seldom making … Read more

Anything for An A_(0)

Her eyes opened wider as she saw the large 60% in red ink on the cover of the blue book as it came to rest on her desk. “Dammit,” she mumbled to herself. She was certain that she had done well on the test, but flipping through the blue book she noticed that she had … Read more

The Shark and Seal – Tourists in Hell Part 4

THE SHARK AND SEAL – TOURISTS IN HELL Ch. 4 – Making the Pretty-Boy Sing GARY Petite babe looked like a cum-covered whore, her boyfriend too, while my bar patrons hurled more jeers and insults. She sat on her boyfriend’s lap, still in a daze, but not for long. Lem loomed above the two like … Read more

Straight Invaded

I was a 52-year-old happily married father when my world turned upside down in an instant. My wife and I had been planning a vacation for several months with my 17-year-old daughter. We were going to spend 16 days with her parents in the Bahamas, fishing, skiing and hanging on the beach. We were leaving … Read more

Big Game

Derek Jenkins squinted his eyes trying to make out what the flashing white lights were he saw, he tried to remember what had happened before he woke. He blinked his eyes trying to focus a flash of light and he remembered being in the game he was running down field with the ball his memory … Read more

House Slut 15

No one else seemed to be up when she stepped out of her room so she took a long hot shower to ease the aches and stiffness through her body. The water was soothing not just for her muscles but her mind. Her feelings on last night were complicated. She’d been forcibly restrained and fucked … Read more

King Dong: A Monster Movie Parody Act 5

ACT V With the rising of the sun also came a dense morning fog, so visibility was not much better than before. The men arrived at a waterline of an inland shore. “You think these patterns in the sand might be the tracks Dong leaves behind?” Karl asked. “Shh. You hear that?” Jack interrupted. The … Read more

The Cocksaw Murders – part 2

In the next room is a girl, lounging on a table. She’s either unconscious or drugged, or just doesn’t care enough to respond as you enter. She’s naked, of course. Slim, blonde, she could be any of your co-stars. Once upon a time, you were a little sick of always being given blonde bimbos, but … Read more

The curse part 1

The Curse My name is Sarah, I’m 5’3, reasonable B cup breasts and other than that quite a nice slim body with long blonde hair, my glasses sometimes make me look a bit nerdish but I like the look, it fits in with my interests. I live with my father and 2 brothers, mum died … Read more

Little Girl in the Red Hood (edited)

Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a village surrounded by woods, and in it lived a little a girl called Myrna, but her name is not really important since everyone in the village knew her only by Red, due to the red velvet hood she always wore. Her grandmother made … Read more