A Prison Story Part 3

A Prison Story Part 3 – The New Bitch’s Lessons By JIMMY James rested against the bully stud’s big muscular ass, his 145 pound frame seemed so much smaller then the much larger convict. He snickered as he thought of what he had just done. “How’s it feel, bitch? How’s it feel to have your … Read more

What’s Wrong With Me? – 1

Also, there are references to fictional characters from real tv-shows – which I used without permission from the owners, nor do I claim any rights to anything but that which came from my own mind! And just a word about the setting. I was imagining a world similar to the later incarnations of a very … Read more

Young America 2 (The Slumber Party)

Slumber Party Raven sat in the shower that night water dripping off her short black hair. Her ass still stung, and a terrible hollowness filled her chest. She had stepped beyond friendship with Ronnie and now there was no going back for either of them. It was a strange sensation, being with a boy, one … Read more

Bethany – Chapter Two: Meet the Staff.

The two younger men, both burly, strong, and their skin darkened from working in the sun didn’t even bother with introductions when they pulled her into some form of break room. Glancing wildly about, Bethany began to whimper in fear. There were crude pictures of other girls cover the walls, all of them in some … Read more

The Last Conference

Thursday, 8:00 pm “What a day!” Pam thought, as the last conference ended and she watched the parents walk out of her classroom. She just dreads the grueling parent teacher conferences. Even though she knows that her shapely legs, nice firm ass, well-formed breasts and slim athletic build help smooth out many sticky points that … Read more

Step Daughter #1 – Part 1

STEP DAUGHTER It was a trip to take my wife’s daughter, 33, to the big city for a shopping trip. Her ex husband cut her clothes, and she was depressed so it was a good idea. She is attractive, blonde, perfect body, prone to summer dresses with a nice flow. We went to many clothing … Read more

My Career Choice

Chapter 1 When I was 16 my parents kicked me out of their house with a bag of clothes, a bus pass and $500. I had no idea what to do but knew I deserved to be kicked out I had a bad habit of doing coke and stealing their money to support my habit. … Read more

Sweet Melody

Melody was starting to ask inane questions to random people passing bye “Where has Lydon got to; he said he would only be a moment? Will my plane be waiting for me; I should be there now”? She was still sitting alone on a bench inside the covered walkway where Lydon had left her four … Read more

Caught You Looking: Chapter 3

We lay on that spot for almost an hour, although given the chance I would have chosen to stay longer. We got dressed and parted ways as Colin said I would see him soon, his parents were staying in a hotel in two nights time, we would have his place to ourselves. I handed him … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 4 & 5

Chapter 4 When I woke up, around 8am I was all sweaty… My pajama shirt was open at the top from rolling around in bed all night and my PJ bottoms felt wet. I reached between my legs and noticed I was wet. I then reached inside the PJs and lightly touched my cunny and … Read more