The Horny Heist

The Robbery Eric, cruised through the quiet, unsuspecting neighborhood scanning the houses, searching for signs of vulnerability for his next target. It was a hot summer night and the air felt heavy. A home, nestled in the tranquil confines of Willowbrook, became the latest mark. Eric bore the physical markers of a life lived on … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 18) – Raping Erica

To: Cow Udders From: You-Know-Who Your friend Michael is coming round today to check on his “investment”. You have a special mission. (1) Get Michael to fuck your bitch girlfriend Erica in the cunt, unprotected, and ejaculate. (2) Erica must not consent, and you can’t give her any of your drugs. (3) Michael must pay … Read more

Bayonetta’s Abuse – Chapter 04 – Weekend At Jeanne’s

It was another bright spring day as James and Bayonetta made their way up the long walkway to Jeanne’s estate. The compound was well fortified with a chain link fence, a brick wall, a guard station and several guard dogs. James couldn’t help but feel intimidated as they approached the gate in Bayonetta’s GTO, but … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 22 – Persuading Hagrid

It was the middle of January and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be enjoying the cold windy Saturday in the beautiful town of Hogsmeade. They had all dressed accordingly; wearing their heavy winter cloaks to keep warm while they were visiting the magical village. Hermione’s Saturday had not started well however; her latest visit to … Read more

Body Swap

Robert Voleman walked slowly into the narrow room. He was fourth in a line of six men. The room was brightly lit. There was a small platform about three feet wide sticking out from the back wall. On the wall behind that very short stage was a series of horizontal black lines interrupted at regular … Read more

Teasing my Coworkers pt.4

Mary ended up dancing and drinking for awhile, although she did let Hulk know she wasn’t doing any more private dances. Veronica knew what happened, no doubt from Hulk telling her, and she assured Mary it was no big deal… they all did it, and she wouldn’t let word get to Bradley. Veronica did offer … Read more

Grandma’s House

As the afternoon lecture wrapped up, Jack yawned and stretched as he waited for the professor to dismiss the students. It was the last lecture before the break and he was feeling listless. He had no plans on going home to his family and was not sure how he planned to spend his time now … Read more

Forced to Cum

In the darkness he silently climbed up the tree to get a vantage of the second floor window. He gasped when he saw her laying there in bed, her form silvery curves under the silky moonlit sheets. Cascades of strawberry blond hair spread out on the pillows beneath her head. He watched for a few … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 17

Chapter 17 I woke up this morning with a bit of a head ache. Not sure why, but I feel that it had something to do with last night’s events. As I lied in bed, waiting for the headache to go away, random scenes from yesterday were flashing back through my confused adolescent mind. That … Read more

The Man of Sin: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 “Oh God! Please! No more!” Sister Olivia was sobbing on the floor, having woken up in the church for another night of torture. She still believed this to just be a recurring nightmare. Xavier strode towards her, a hungry gleam to his eyes. He gave her a hard kick, knocking her onto her … Read more

My Neighbors_(0)

My name is Carol and all I was trying to do was be a good neighbor. My husband Bill and I live on a normal street in a normal town. Our next door neighbors, Mike and Sue, had asked us to feed their dogs while they were on vacation. They had a pair of Dobermans, … Read more

Morning Bells (Part Eight)

I waited for about ten of the longest minutes of my life for Brooke before I saw her enter the hallway to the café. She had a perky expression on her face and came up to me and gave me a big wet kiss and I hugged her. “Baby I’m rolling on ecstasy sooo hard … Read more

Mother and Daughter 3

MOTHER AND DAUGHTER 3: FAMILY ENSLAVED Somewhere on a ranch in the middle of the desert, in a basement which looked almost as rough and primitive as a dungeon, an Indian-American mother and her two daughters were being held captive. Kidnapped and then repeatedly raped, Rhonda could hardly describe the fear and despair she now … Read more

The Blind Date

THE BLIND DATE It was a dark night that was as silent as a graveyard as the clock struck midnight. The din of the old church bell reverberated through the starless night, stunning the night creatures into an unholy silence. A gentle breeze wafted through the plains, making a solemn hymn of whistles and flutters … Read more