My wife and her lover

Our lover… Today started out like any other day. Alarm 4a.m work day up dressed out the door nothing particularly interesting happened during the day it wasn’t until I was pulling up at home in my van I noticed an extremely hot lady sitting in a small car next to my van she was very … Read more

Alien Sex – Deux

Akemi kept an eye on her new broodlings, watched them slowly come into their own, trying to adapt to their new bodies, ones that even they found attractive. But it would be at least a year before they reached maturity and it was before this time that she wanted to make sure they understood just … Read more

Oh How I Watched

“Harder!” my twenty-one year old daughter Emma cried out. I knew what was going on. I just don’t understand why. For forty-seven I was in great shape. I ate healthy and I always kept myself well cleaned. Yet, my daughter was in my bedroom getting fucked beyond her limit by her dad, my husband. Emma … Read more

The Perfect Victim_(1)

Jessica always loved the idea of a small town. Growing up in LA, she learned quickly that she wasn’t the big city type at all. As soon as she was of legal age, she moved out of her parents house. It wasn’t that she didn’t get along with them, in fact, they were probably a … Read more

Curiosity Almost Killed the Cat

She stole a glance across a crowded room at a tall perceptive man, lurking beside a staircase. He directed himself sidelong up the flight behind him. Not having much else to do except wait for her train, Amelia got up from her seat on a stone and wood patterned bench, walked cautiously and made an … Read more

Only Girl in School Ch 1: a Frankel story

Only Girl in School Ch 1 I really liked Frankel’s stories at Literotica, but they have been deleted from Literotica, probably because Literotica requires that the victim enjoys the sex. I had many Frankel stories saved on my computer, and have been able to recover others from various places. I will publish these stories here … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch04 – A New World

Pushing open the door to the bedroom he led his new toy into the bedroom. It was quite the sight, him well dressed in a tweed jacket and waistcoat, with nothing on his lower half, and a teenage girl on a lead crawling behind him. “Stand up fuck toy.” Looking up she saw she was … Read more

Alfie & Blatt’s weekend away

Alfie couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe it was drugs; well, they had consumed a lot. Or maybe it was the suspense of the next few days before school started again. Who knows but Alfie couldn’t stop laughing. Blatt, his obese friend was leaning back in his chair, his waist spilling over the sides, continuing his friend’s … Read more

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 29) – Her Brother, Part One

Chapter 29 HER BROTHER, PART ONE Laura looked again at the rules for interacting with her brother during his visit to town. (1) Dress like a slut. Your outfit should be at least as slutty and publicly inappropriate as if you were wearing nothing but underwear. (2) Don’t discourage him in any way from any … Read more

The Summoning

Two months I’ve been following her now, watching her every move, studying and learning, she wakes up at 5am, showers, gets dressed feeds her cats, has breakfast and heads to work, she arrives at work at around half 6 and works until 6 in the evening, she leaves work and drives home to have dinner, … Read more

Finding Hannah

Finding Hannah “Where is she?” my sister asks her son as she watches the servers place small dishes on the spinning glass table top. The food is already coming out and my nephew’s girlfriend isn’t here yet. Not good. I glance at my sister. She’s clearly getting annoyed, but then again, she is always annoyed. … Read more

Fuzzy Faced Allia: Snake in the Mud

Allia lived in a diverse world full of monsters and creatures. Her home, a massive city, had defenses to keep the evil out, but that didn’t prevent her parents from mistreating her and using her like a toy. They fed her various body modification potions starting at the age of nine; which warped her into … Read more

Three J’s and an S Take a Summer Job

Julie, Judy, and Joan had been friends since before kindergarten. When their mothers car pooled for school events, etc, they spoke of “picking up The Three J’s.” Teachers, and most of the community soon started referring to them as “The Three J’s.” In the fourth grade, Sara’s mother went to work for Julie’s mother as … Read more