Digimon Rise and Fall: Chapter 6: Failure

Joe washed his hands slowly but thoroughly. The water was scolding and burning his skin. Joe didn’t care for he was miles away. He looked at his life as though he was watching a movie. It was not his own it couldn’t his own. Joe would never be in this situation. He had a bright … Read more

The Privileges of Power

The Privileges of Power What had once been the United States was gone. By the time the 2012 election season had passed, what had been the good old USA had been split into coalitions of Red and Blue states, each with its own rules of government and each harboring an intense distrust of the other … Read more

Bk 2, Ch 5: Curtain Call

Chapter 5: Curtain Call Two massive thumps sounded from west of the beach, followed by the horrific whistling sound as dozens of arrows took flight. Two massive wooden shafts impacted one of the akatus approaching the beach, sending splinters and body parts flying. A cloud of arrows struck the members of the fourth wave as … Read more

The Immortal Kiss

It was supposed to be a trip home that would make me forget. All we had to do was drive home from Seattle where we attended college at the University of Washington. It was around a 4 hour drive that had a few detours thanks to the storm that had just passed through. My best … Read more

A Source of Warmth by

His name was Thomas Saniuqa. They’d just wheeled him in on a bed at 4.50pm. Damn it, that means I’m working overtime on my own AGAIN. I grumbled as I looked at his profile on the clipboard. Hmm, thirty-five years old and still unmarried? He was evidently very successful, too – CEO of a fairly … Read more

Zombie Lust

I was walking home from a friend’s graduation party and I admit I was more than a little drunk. But hey, I was eighteen, a young, good-looking female, and if I wanted to party, I partied. But that night would be a night I would never forget. I was so tired I just wanted to … Read more

War Snuff – Death of Officer Yoko

Caleb was covering behind Officer Yoko as the enemies kept firing on the bunker. The rest of the squad was dead and he found himself surrounded by the stiff corpses of his female comrades. The enemy neuro darts had found their way into their mommy bits and many of the dead women still clutched their … Read more

After the medication. by

The headaches began when I was younger. I had been told to take my medication daily, but as I grew up I began taking them less and less. I had stopped taking any of my medication a couple of weeks ago and I have felt fine. I met a lovely girl, long red hair, green … Read more

Coming of age_(3)

The room seemed almost surreal to her now. As she lay on her bed, drifting in the narcotic haze of the pills, she could almost feel the air around her, a liquid like water-thick and unyielding. The room was growing darker, and she was finding it more and more difficult to breathe. The pain was … Read more

Sealed Fate

Evening of 23 April 2008 11:30, Lu Yuqiao aged 19 lured the victim Qinmou aged 47 to a hotel room for supposed sex, then quietly notify He Zhikun aged 25, her boyfriend and accomplice to come to the hotel. Pretending to be her husband He Zhikun attempted to extort Qinmou. When the victim refused to … Read more

Killing My Wife and Disposing Of her Corpse

My wife and I had a very interesting conversation recently one evening. She had seen a movie on LMN where a husband killed his wife and disposed of her body. Since she knows I’m into crime shows and scenarios like that and watch them all the time on ID and am into stranglings and snuff/necro; … Read more

Vampire Aliens Rape Nuns

Vampire Aliens Rape Nuns While the cloaked alien mother ship lands in a large clearing adjacent a convent the captain a beautiful redhead with green sparkling eyes turns to her 1st mate and utters a few words. “This is a favorable planet for us to conquer, I am hungry for some holy blood from these … Read more

Memories of a Mortician Part 7:Skewered Expectations

SKEWERED EXPECTATIONS Year: 1989 Name: K.L. Age: 25 Cause of Death: Internal bleeding caused by punctured liver and spleen. Other Injuries: Puncture mark in lower left abdomen. Sewn up C-Section scar in lower abdomen Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Case Notes: A young pregnant woman was at a poolside barbeque with her … Read more