She Died… Terrified

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don’t read it if this isn’t your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft … Read more

The Captive part 1.

I was waiting patiently. He was never this late coming down. I had been sitting there for hours-infact I’d been there for two years. I remember it like it was yesterday, he’d bundled me into the car. I’d just left my friends house and the air was warm and the sun was just setting in … Read more


Another one dead, and papers had given the murderer a name, but no one was using it yet. The police still called him “The Whitechapel killer,” and the people on the streets called him just “the killer.” Nothing more was needed. Almost everyone found time on their walking commute that morning (some leaving home to … Read more

Brenda’s Birhtday

Brenda’s Birthday Brenda was 29 years old and in the garage rubbing sharpening stone with some oil on the sward clamped in the vice to sharpen it to it could be used to shave with She had spent much of the last four day doing this so it could be used on her on her … Read more

Just Another Crack Whore

Eva watched warily as the white cargo van stopped next to the curb and the man in the passenger seat leaned out the window. “Hey, baby,” he called to her, motioning her to come closer. “How much for me and my partner here, two at once, take us around the world?” he asked as Eva … Read more

Sarah Bryant: A real life fighter

Sarah Bryant was going home from yet another day at college, when she heard screams. Running over to find out what was happening, the blonde student found two criminals tearing off the clothes of a fellow female student while kicking a downed male all over his body. At first shocked, Sarah soon broke into a … Read more

Derrick’s Revenge 1: Sam and Whitney

Disclaimer: The following story is graphic and extreme, featuring disfigurement, incest, rape and a whole host of other perversions that would offend ordinary senses. I would never do anything in this story to anyone, but a little fantasy now and then isn’t a bad thing. If you don’t like that sort of thing, though, you … Read more

The Champion’s Companion 25

The preparations for the coronation went off without a hitch. The new King came down the canal with Lady Aurelia, his bride to be. The princes also came on a royal barge with a large group of other nobles. The party was greeted on the grounds of the palace as they stepped out into the … Read more

Daniel Wolf part 2

Daniel Wolf Part 2 Jessup Cat 3 A great wizard bred and crossbred cats and humans until he had a crossbreed of a human cat. He did this so a Wizard could have a familiar that he could trust implicitly . Genus Jessup Cat: Bred from mixtures of assorted cats mixed with Human DNA. The … Read more

Suffering From Sanity

Chapter One I’ve been here for five years. Many have proven incapable of surviving this long. They lose their minds and succumb to the insanities they are labeled. They are defined by their insanities and are slaves to them. They come in here, secretly denying their insanities, and over time, are moulded into the exact … Read more

Crusade of Terror 1

The killer laughed as he slid his cock into his unconscious victim’s dry cunt. The only moisture coming from the lubrication he had rubbed onto the condom. He was no fool, and the last thing he wanted was DNA evidence left behind in his victim. It did, however, put a small burn in his wallet. … Read more

Killing My Wife and Disposing Of her Corpse

My wife and I had a very interesting conversation recently one evening. She had seen a movie on LMN where a husband killed his wife and disposed of her body. Since she knows I’m into crime shows and scenarios like that and watch them all the time on ID and am into stranglings and snuff/necro; … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All 3: Machoke used Submission!

The town known as Azalea was in its final hours of existence as a populated settlement. The fate of its inhabitants was sealed, because a Machoke with an insatiable drive to kill had taken over, having evolved during a battle following an attempted takeover by Team Rocket. He was taller than many humans and perfectly … Read more