Nebraska lesbian ice cream social 2

One warm summer like October evening in Nebraska some lesbians were having an ice cream social. Some lesbians were getting nervous that they might run out of “Rocky Road” ice cream. Just before that in Beach Park Illinois Jimmy Craktcorn burped because he had just eaten a large, thin-crust pizza with cheese, sausage, pepperoni, onions, … Read more

A Night With Maria

He had been watching her dance for several nights at the seedy strip joint that was a few miles outside of the town that he was sent to work. A small town with a population of under 20000, but the bar always had a large crowd of mostly average looking men who liked to drink … Read more

Wrinkles in Time Part 1 (long)

The Goddess Elaine hadn’t completely withdrawn from the mental image of her sister’s quarters on the great ship as she was awakened by one of her adoring worshippers, causing her to cut short her dream-walk with her sisters, Béla and Beth. She could still hear them talking to each other. ‘Dream-walking?’ Beth asked, giggling. ‘No … Read more

Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 23

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE 8TH MONDAY Early Monday morning Mike gets the call. They need a load of goods in Calgary tonight. It’s being loaded at the dock now. Mike says, “I’ll be right over. Is Len with me?” “Len’s out with Ernie. It’s straight to the dock in Calgary, anyway. I expect they’ll have something for … Read more

I shall fuck your corpse tonight!

I Shall Fuck Your Corpse Tonight – Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T. done for ”Author of the Month” contest. WARNING!! This is an ultra-violent, extremely gory, and very fucked up torture/guro story. Do NOT read if you’ve got weak stomach or if you’re offended by such content!!! To all the others, let’s get this … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 3

Chapter 3 *Part 7* “So this is how you deal with break up’s Shell? Killing things?” I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon’s is because they consume human’s souls. Innocent human souls, … Read more

Night Burglar pt 2

Night Burglar Pt. 2 Once Jason opened the lock box he had stolen from the Henderson’s home he was surprised to find almost 50,000 dollars cash inside. With that kind of money on hand he could stash the jewelry he also picked up and pawn it later after the case had gone cold. Feeling good … Read more

Shredder – part II

Before he could react, she knelt up, slid to the foot of the bed crouching, one foot on the corner of the bed, the other on the floor, one hand grasping the bed for balance as the other one was free. She spat the chunk of penis in her free hand and looked at it … Read more

An honour killing ?

AN HONOUR KILLING? It was a summer day, somewhere in the hinterlands of the grain belt. atleast that’s what the school children read. the inhabitants knew otherwise. true, it produced grain, lots of it, but it also produced rapes on a huge scale. pooja knew this. she had heard how their grandmother came to their … Read more


Part One For quite some time, I could not shake the feeling that I had done something terribly wrong. She was not, as I long had thought, perfect. My eyes found flaws where there were none, as though they had hidden themselves in the vibrance of her body in motion, only to be revealed as … Read more

Ashley’s last time Re4 parody

Every step Ashley took felt wrong. She had been following behind Leon for so long, it was odd to take the lead. He always kept his gun next to his cheek and took every step with caution. She knew as she had been watching him from behind while she cowered like a child. She relied … Read more

A Stranger’s Love

The landscape was washed white from the soft glow of the full moon as his lithe body moved through the forest in frenzy following a faint trickle of blood that stained the ground, outlining the trail of his prey. All that consumed his mind was the tantalizing blood that dripped down her creamy skin. The … Read more

In the Blink of an Eye

. In the Blink of an Eye. I sit on the bench waiting for the bus feeling alone as usual. I’m almost always surrounded by people, including friends and family, and have a deep unending feeling of being alone on this hunk of rock we call home. I’ve listened to many conversations of the possible … Read more