Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry #5)

Diary of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry # 5) After the last death, I had to lie low for some time as police stepped up patrols and young, pretty women started to take precautions like not being alone at home at night. I had to wait for more than a year before the next opportunity was … Read more

Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry #6 and #7 Final)

Diary of the Kosmetics Killer (Entry # 6) I was rather guilt ridden for a while after what I did to my pretty young and unsuspecting step niece. For a while, I tried to stop having dark thoughts about beautiful dead women but in the end, I could not control my lust. Two months after … Read more

Gotta Break ‘Em All part 2: He wants to be the very best

The fan, who had not known what the Machoke truly wanted to do with him, approached the buff Pokémon at his beckon. As he came, the Machoke wasted no time in exposing his stiff erection. Naturally, the male human that had come close, and everyone else who saw the impressive penis and testicles of the … Read more


“Yeah, yeah,” I said, a little annoyed. “Getting up.” “You better!” A familiar voice resounded. “You got a full ride to the best technology college in the nation, and you’re going to miss orientation!” “You’re right, Reina.” I mumbled. “Always right.” “Of course I’m fucking right. You get to go to college, while I’m stuck … Read more

I Accidentally Called My Boss Mom Pt. 9

Amanda picked me up at my apartment. I wore black slacks and a slightly transparent white button-down shirt that accentuated my figure. She wore a gorgeously simple black sundress, and she looked ethereal. She brought me downtown to a quaint restaurant I could afford, but I had never seen before. “It’s a little hole-in-the-wall. The … Read more

Memories of A Mortician: Virgin Conception/ Concrete Love

Name: Y.J.Y. Age: 18 Cause of Death: Blood loss from incision on abdomen. Severe damage to internal organs. Other Injuries: Slight chloroform burns on lips and nose. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 13hrs Notes: This young woman was the victim of a violent but somewhat sexy occult ritual. Your belly was cut Impregnated … Read more

New Beginnings – Pt 1 Ch 8

The Confederate Army was only two days away traveling on foot. Several aircraft had already attempted to bomb the entrance to Solar City, but Béla and Lisa had teleported their bombs into space. Tabatha stood guard outside the time-shielded entrance into the mountain, listening with her mind for any intruders. She couldn’t feel anything and … Read more

28 – A Halloween Story

Marcus William Hartford the Fifth looked around the bar at the many costumed guests who were attending this invitation-only Halloween party at The Swamp Witch Roadhouse. He knew exactly what– or rather who– he was looking for. Her hair would be blond, but not too blond. Her skin would be fair, but not overly pale. … Read more

Whore Sister 6: Vengeance

For the next three days my sister, nieces, and I locked ourselves in their shitty apartment having fucked-up sex. Every single part of my body penetrated every orifice they had. Whenever I was finally spent and no longer able to perform, the three women would turn on each other like wild animals. I thought I … Read more

Assassins Chapter 2

Assassins Chapter 2 We left Haven June 6 heading to Jasper where I grew up. Trevor drove my Charger, Mike drove his Dodge Ram and Sarah and I drove my Ferrari. I was doing about 70mph when Trevor and Mike flew past me trying to out race one another. “Watch this babe” I hit the … Read more

The Annihilator: Part 5

“Mrs. Sato! We’re gonna kill everyone, but you get to feel good. Two dicks, and all the muscle you never had back home.”, Jake stepped away from Sam’s corpse, showing off his body alongside Tanner. The teacher was too afraid to run, but it also took her time to start unbuttoning her dark red blouse. … Read more

David’s House

“I don’t know what is going on. I don’t want to buy or live in this house anymore, but the weird things I think I saw here are compelling me. I wish you could tell me what was going on here.” Sarah looked anxiously at the medium. Her curiosity was bubbling up in a mixture … Read more

Reality Jump – Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – New power, same morals. Wind was whipping at Charles face as he was falling down the side of the girls dorm tower. He looked at the various patios whipping by him. He grabbed his knife and threw it at one of the patios. The wire cable wrapped itself around one of the … Read more

The Cum Shot Party

This is an alternate ending for “Cum Shot Party written by Jaydice2003, back in 2004. I hope he doesn’t mind me making Jason a little less of a wimp and seeing that Beth gets what’s coming to her. I read the story and thought that Jason needed a stage to get his manhood back. The … Read more

trash part 2

In these months the family has gone downhill. Julie is addicted to the drugs and gets hip pains as a result. Mickey goes insane and talks to a bag of flour. Julie videotapes her and sells the videos Julie gets a tattoo of a frog jacking off on her back. She begins to torture dogs … Read more