Carol and Monster: A Skipping School Story

Carol’s sister walked downstairs, the stairs groaning under her bare feet. It used to be Melissa was so light on her feet she the stairs replied with squeaks but now that she was six months pregnant. Melissa sat down and poured her Corn Pops into her bowl with some milk. She didn’t need to go … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil

Clementina, Chapter 6 – Sigil PART XXV Having recovered from our recent adventures, a few days later we were again hanging out by the pool in the evening, when my grandmother Lily raised the question that was on everyone’s mind. “I was told I was the Keeper of the Citadel, and I haven’t even been … Read more

Halloween Frat Party Nightmare

The decorations on the door were calm enough, but once we got inside they were over the top! Spider webs all over, warped mirrors, plastic skeletons, and only electric candles for light. I knew the campus had strict fire codes, and was actually impressed that this frat house followed them, where most of the others … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis

This is Chapter 3, which comprises parts XIII – XVII. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, as a warning, from here on out, the genders get mixed-up. There are no parts that can be skipped in this chapter. Clementina, Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis PART XIII The phone … Read more

Bloodsport Fairytale

I feel I should mention that this is my first attempt at writing a story so I would really appreciate any and all feedback you can give me. So once you have finished reading then please take the time to rate it whether your opinion is positive or negative, and if the story is crap … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess & Afterward

Clementina, Chapter 7 – Goddess PART XXX The room glowed purple as the tentacles lowered me to the ground. Another pillar of light appeared at the far end of the room opposite the door. Makala took my mother’s hand and led her to the pillar of light, placing her next to it, almost inside it. … Read more

Clementina, Chapter 5 – Citadel & Interlude

This is Chapter 5, which comprises parts XXII – XXV, plus an interlude. Just a reminder: this is partly a horror story, so consider yourself warned. Also, another reminder, the line between female and male gets rather porous in this tale. If you are in a hurry or just want to focus on the main … Read more


Coal blue eyes look out into the dreary night from the grated entrance. Small soot stained hands grip the grate waiting for the right moment. The blue eyes close for a long second, the grate is old the metal dark with stains of refuse. This night steam rises from within slipping up into the early … Read more

Daniel Wolf Part 8

Chapter 15 part 8 Daniel awoken to a stir of activity, He over heard Brax mention something about Soldiers. Bren entered Daniel’s sleeping area. It was obvious she meant to protect him. “Bren where is your Mother?” “She has gone to check out the Soldiers and told Brax and I to wait til she returns.” … Read more

Sudden Abduction_(1)

RANDOM Tessa woke after a long night of games with her friend Derek. As always, she beat him by a landslide in every game they played before he retired for the night. She woke up early to prepare for work at the local pet shop. She yawned and got out of bed quickly and went … Read more

Enter Sectian

Chapter 1 Pamela Dragen hated walking home after work. It was three blocks to the bus stop, and sometimes the buses wouldn’t stop. The neighborhood stank of sewage and garbage. Trash ambled along the sidewalk from gusts of wind, a cold wind which brought little relief from the stink. The coldest winds blew from the … Read more

The Mermaid’s Courtship 2: The Mermaid’s Passion

Kolin – Calthin Bay, Kingdom of Thlin Willa shuddered as my fingers rubbed on her clit. She was perched on the edge of our fishing boat, her ass pointed out to the calm waters of Calthin Bay. My fisherwife gasped and moaned, her white hair falling about her youthful face. “Kolin,” she gasped. “Make me … Read more


The date was less than memorable he had been a total dud. She hadn’t even wanted to go out with him. The date was a set up by a friend wanting to get her out of her doldrums. Bored to tears as she was forced to listen to his business prowess, his skillfulness extracting himself … Read more

The Power: Chapter 1

The Power I had been given a power: not a talent for athletic prowess, not a simple skill, but a power that no mortal had any business claiming ownership of. I suppose that I must have been born with it, and it’s possible I’ve been using it subconsciously even as a toddler. However, it was … Read more


Xenowars (There is a prequel to this story called “The Coming”. You don’t need to read it to understand this story but it is recommended.) Part 1: Rebel Uprising Eleven months ago, prominent scientist Dr. Timothy Andrews discovered a wormhole, a space gate close to Earth that promised a new era in space exploration. But … Read more

Short demon roleplay (female x [you])_(0)

Rave was a stern-looking girl. Her long soft purple locks fell into her face due to the cold wind outside, which made her pale skin stand out even more. She wore a large white sweater with sexy black stockings underneath, topping it off with black dr martins and a backpack with decorative devil’s wings. Her … Read more

Dead Spaced

“Isaac I love you. I always loved you. TRANSMISSION ENDED” Just as Isaac video stopped Hammond called Isaac attention. “Isaac get to the computer core. The tram system went offline Kendra needs your help with the tram system. It’s something with a data wire. Get down there as fast as you can.” Hammond said with … Read more