The Awakening Chronicles (Chapter 1)

Yesterday was a normal day. Yesterday monsters weren’t real. Yesterday he didn’t know Rebecca. Yesterday is the past, forever unchanged, and when you have a day like the one Jonathan Adkins had, the future is most uncertain. Join me now as the tale unravels of a normal man thrown into a world he never knew … Read more

Seek The Wolf in Thyself

Wolferick felt the change begin. As before, it started with a pulling sensation in his mind as it grew to the predatory mind of the beast. Then came the pressure in his bone, much like when pulling out a tooth, as they warped and contorted into the time perfected frame of the wolf. His mouth … Read more

Horrors combined – Ch. 02 – The hunting

Horrors combined. If this is your first chapter to read, It would be better to read chapter 1 first, inorder to digest this tale, thanks for your concern.. http://www./story/83926/ Chapter 2: “the hunting”. On the same night (Mado) was still not sure what the creature meant by saying “…YOU WILL HAVE POWERS OVER FEMALES, NO … Read more

Demologia 01: Rise of a Demon 01

Fires flare on the barren, rocky fields of Hell, the stench of brimstone thick as the sulfurous clouds which occasionally rained acid. Used to such, Damien stalks across a blood-soaked battlefield, his eyes burning with determination. An elite blood demon soldier, his deep red skin blended into the terrain, broken up by his black leather … Read more

The Curse of Magic Mansion: Part 1

It was a dark and stormy night…. But that’s skipping ahead. The day had actually been quite pleasant. The Wilder family’s station wagon was parked on the side of the road, and Howard took a knee by the passenger-side wheel. “Yep,” he said. “Definitely a flat.” “Howard, we’re in the middle of nowhere,” his wife … Read more

Damien Skylar chapter 3

Chapter 3 *Part 7* “So this is how you deal with break up’s Shell? Killing things?” I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon’s is because they consume human’s souls. Innocent human souls, … Read more

Enter Sectian Ch. 2

The next morning, Pamela knocked on her daughter’s door. “You up, Hon?” “Yeah.” “Don’t be late. You know that gets you in trouble at work.” “I know.” The younger woman only emerged from her bedroom when Pamela was half way into making breakfast. “That’s smells good.” “Don’t think you’ll get salmon and eggs for breakfast … Read more

Monsters, Inc.

I’m at my gynecologist’s office for my regular pelvic exam. This is my first visit with this doctor – she was recommended to me by my regular doctor last month when he announced that he was leaving his practice. The nurse ushers me into the examination room, takes my temperature, blood pressure, all the usual … Read more

Ashley’s last time Re4 parody

Every step Ashley took felt wrong. She had been following behind Leon for so long, it was odd to take the lead. He always kept his gun next to his cheek and took every step with caution. She knew as she had been watching him from behind while she cowered like a child. She relied … Read more

A Stranger’s Love

The landscape was washed white from the soft glow of the full moon as his lithe body moved through the forest in frenzy following a faint trickle of blood that stained the ground, outlining the trail of his prey. All that consumed his mind was the tantalizing blood that dripped down her creamy skin. The … Read more

Magic, Mind Control, and Tentacles

She wakes up. She grumbles and groans at her alarm clock. Then, she tosses it across the room because just the day before, she broke the “snooze” button on the side. She sighs, then rolls herself out of the fluffy red covers and onto the floor. The three room apartment is an absolute mess, just … Read more

Succubus gets trapped

Zandriell sat bored in the abyss, for more than 100 years no one had tried to summon a demon from the depths. Damn them and their technology! she said to herself as she kicked an imp than was scuttling past. Her bright red and baby smooth skin glistened in the dim light, her horns and … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book1, Chapter 6: Monstrous Mating

I patted Purity’s neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here, Angela and I led our horses across … Read more