Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 9

It didn’t take much time for A’luhr to outfit the rest of the group with the remaining weapons and some satchels, which slung over their shoulders, and seemed capable of holding plenty of any supplies they might find. A’luhr remained equipped with her two daggers along with one of the three remaining impulse detonators, the … Read more

Not Alone in the Dark

Vincent slowly cracked his eyes open for the first time in months, though to him it merely felt like a pleasant nap. The first thing he noticed was an unfamiliar, cloying taste in his mouth, and that his heart rate was oddly elevated despite his body being at rest. Disoriented, he shifted his eyes around … Read more

Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 6 – Winter Showers – edited

Chapter 6 – Winter Showers I rest for a few minutes, letting my heart rate come down, exhausted. I admire the sight. The beautiful, expensive four-poster-bed so defiled and desecrated. King-sized mattress soaked with piss and fluids. Vertical black iron posts running up from each corner of the bed, connected at the top by horizontal … Read more

Plant 42

Jill Vinston wandered the halls of the Walace state Guardhouse. She hadn’t been able to find any of the other X.P.Q.R members since first arriving in the mansion, and she was starting to worry that she’d never see any of them again. There were still more locked doors in the house, but she didn’t have … Read more

Dante: the male succubus

“Hey dante your lookin sexy today.” I hear that slut racheal say from across the room. “Uh, thanks lasse.” Dante replies. Today was your average day in class i was sittin at the end of the table reading my favorite book, while Dante lead a game of texas hold ’em at the other end of … Read more

expanding the pack part 2

Jessica; “Oh you’re just being paranoid why would a ghost want us stuck here.” S “Well maybe it isn’t a ghost maybe is a monster or something.” “A monster really and why is it that it waited till today to trap someone” S “Well I’m just saying look at that tree it’s not dead and … Read more

A rookie’s folly(formerly called the huntress)

The young huntress wandered the forest early in the morning, the low mists of the dawn havign not yet burned off. Silently she made her way through the dense foliage, searching for her prey. She kistened intently, straining her senses to hte max to pick up any signs of the creature she sought. She had … Read more

Monstrous night updated

She stood there, all of 5” tall, looking death in the face. In front of here is what can only be described as the hideous monsters we worried about slithering under our beds as children. Lurking in our closets. He stood at least three times her height, and even get started about his girth. He … Read more

Grave Robber

“The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?” -Edgar Allan Poe, “The Premature Burial” *** Wallace dreaded nothing more than being alone in the dark, here of all places. Clarence had the lantern, and although he was an … Read more

Vile – Chapter 3 – Nightmare

What had felt an eternity passed since the two of them had rescued her, a buxom young woman with golden hair they had come to address as Sunflower, and in all that time she had not spoken so much as a single word to either of them. The fiery haired Lily had a seemingly endless … Read more

The Mummy_(1)

“Death doesn’t exist. It never did.. Everything that happens before Death is what counts.” -Ray Bradbury, “Something Wicked This Way Comes” *** It was late, and everyone else had gone home. There was no one to keep Sharon company. No one but the dead. Sometimes, when she was alone in the museum like this, she … Read more

Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 5 – A Broken Ornament – edited

Chapter 5 – A Broken Ornament I glance over at the window next to the bed. Street lights outside give just enough illumination to the night. It started snowing. We’re getting a nice white Christmas. I crawl to the edge of the bed, resting for a moment, enjoying the dimly lit bedroom. The warmth that … Read more

Creepy Crawlers

Crawling Creeps Four college students. Ones always looking for a bigger picture are easy to manipulate. A single incantation from a page, from one who studies ancient text. From the mouth of a student of the world who believes in anything and all, they see as truth in their own minds. A trigger of incompetence … Read more

The Last Halloween

“I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, but there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids” -Robert Brault *** Somewhere in one of the darker corners of the world, a witch and a ghoul stood at the entrance of a cemetery at midnight, and both of them were afraid. They weren’t afraid … Read more

Alfie & Blatt’s weekend away

Alfie couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe it was drugs; well, they had consumed a lot. Or maybe it was the suspense of the next few days before school started again. Who knows but Alfie couldn’t stop laughing. Blatt, his obese friend was leaning back in his chair, his waist spilling over the sides, continuing his friend’s … Read more

The Werewolf

Jess-Belle opened the door, something she’d never dared do on a night like this. It was easier than she expected, but a knot of fear still drew tight in her stomach. The little clock on the mantle chimed midnight. Moonlight filtered through the stirring pines. It a nice night, but no one in their right … Read more