Keily’s Plant

Chapter One: The Discovery Keily liked to explore the corridors and rooms of the large old castle where she had lived for the past two years. The property was a huge building donated to the city by an eccentric millionaire several years ago, and part of the castle was adapted to be used as the … Read more


<Alright I’ll be there soon,> Ray told Miahally as he looked at Nali and Elizabeth. <Damn it I have to go, Nali help her to practice you both need to go back for a little bit then come back and practice more the Chorton just told me we may have a problem I’ll be back … Read more

Sapphire’s Quest: Brothel

Sapphire was having an interview with, Kara, the brothel’s manager. Her quest to find her mother, after she was taken by the vicious slave trader Gorogn, was proving to be more difficult than expected. She had almost no money left and the jumps through some space portals to reach faraway planetary systems were expensive. Sapphire … Read more

Ogre, Chapter 1

She awoke from a sharp pain in her shoulders. The last thing she remembered being grabbed by the hair and dragged away from her village kicking and screaming by an ogre. He had thrown her over his shoulder and all the struggling she could muster didn’t even break his stride. She must have passed out … Read more

Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can’t say I was worried about mum’s reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence … Read more

Boarding School Encounter 02: Henrietta Possessed

“…henrietta…” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “…henrietta…” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn’t have one. That should frighten me, but it didn’t. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 2

Because of all the positive feedback, I’ve created a second part! Thank you to all those who commented and/or gave a positive rating! And, if I continue to get such encouraging results, I’ll begin to write a third part as well. If you have any suggestions or advice, please leave a comment and let me … Read more

The Ghoul’s Wedding

“The gruesome ghoul, the grisly ghoul, without the slightest noise, Waits patiently beside the school, to feast on girls and boys.” -“The Ghoul,” Jack Prelutsky *** The first time the Night People came for Amina she was six years old, and it was Valentine’s Day, and also her birthday. She stayed up late that night … Read more

Roses are red_(2)

“There is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer.” -Angela Carter *** “Why does the wolf eat Grandma first?” The question floated out of Angela‘s mouth before she realized what she was saying and hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities. Nicolas wiped his mouth with a red-checked … Read more

The Sixth Prince – Part 4

Thank you to all of my dear fans for your support and patience! I have disabled comments for my other stories because of repeated ads, although I will leave the comments for this story open for two weeks (until December 9th, 2014) and possibly longer. And, as always, if you have any feedback or suggestions, … Read more

Cheer Raider & SABRE Panther Episode 2

Matt thought he’d been obsessed with Cheer Raider before, but it was on a whole other level now. Ever since that night, he couldn’t get her out of his head. It was very distracting, especially during class. It was close to the end of the class period before lunch, and most of his classmates were … Read more

Red – Part VII – A Quick Trip

Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d … Read more

Egg Ch. 5

Egg Chapter 5 Jacob sat on the edge of his parent’s bed trying to understand everything in his world. The pod was gone now, dissipated into dust just like Billy and the tentacles that once spread across the room. In fact, now the room looked no different than before she had shown up. And he … Read more