Vampires and Werewolves Don’t Mix

It is one of my first attempts at writing something like this and I am still learning. Hope you like it. Part One Vampires hate werewolves, werewolves hate vampires. That seems to be the only constant between the two groups. For as long as either side can remember, that is the way it has been. … Read more

Our First House

Recently me and my girlfriend, Heather, decided that after being together for two years it was time for us to move in together, we purchased a nice little house on the outskirts of our home town for such a low price that it felt like we were practically stealing it. The house is small with … Read more

Planetary Resort Part II

Part II Jean waited, anxious and trembling, for she did not know what her eccentric boss might be expecting from her in the ‘special room’. “Do not fear, Miss Rene,” said Brick, pleasantly. “I really believe that you and I are going to get along splendidly. Do you have much experience in the escort service?” … Read more

Being owned – Part 4

Moodily I stared out of the window. It was pouring down. No nice warm summer rain but fat cold drops. Today was the third day of this and the temperature had dropped noticeably. On the first day I had tried to go out nonetheless but since I did not really enjoy it I had stayed … Read more

One With the Tribe pt1

Many people, aside from confident explorers, fear going into forests. Trees grow tall and thick; oppressive darkness hid creatures that would break the mortal mind. Beasts prowl and stalk helpless wanderers; great and small entities have been known to make people disappear to keep their secrets. While bountiful with flora and game in this particular … Read more

The Slime Who Loved Me

The Slime Who Loved Me My name is Mark. I’m a high school senior, just under six feet tall, with dark blonde hair that develops light blonde highlights in the summer. I have an athletic build, and dark blue eyes. I’ve always been a little underwhelming, second string on the football team and basketball team, … Read more

Cheer Raider & SABRE Panther Episode 13

[Opening Theme: “Violet Skies” by In This Moment] EPISODE 13: “Attack Through the Portal! It’s the Final Battle!” “Land near the fountain and let me out,” Jennifer said. Matt said, “Sure. But, uh, you do realize that you’re…” “Naked?” she finished. “May as well be, I’m going to get wet.” Matt set Panther down in … Read more

Extinction-chapter one by

To whoever is lucky or unfortunate enough to find these scripts, this is what I have been through. If someone managed to find this lead “time capsule,” buried six feet below the ground with a dead body, I am truly sorry to have unleashed this upon you. For you have, in all sincerity, opened Pandora’s … Read more

Deal with the devil

I wake up for the nth time to the sound of my big brother beating me about the head. “Time to get up no-dick. I ain’t driving you to school.” “I’m up, I’m up. Go to hell James.” He wallops me upside the head once more, then absents himself from my room will a scoff. … Read more

Noelle’s Tentacle Gains, Part 1

*All characters are at least 18 years old. Contains minor inflation and ovipositor moments.* “The Long-Long Club invites you to partake in a free trial of our services. No card required. Sign up now, and your trial order will reach you within five minutes, guaranteed!” Noelle was no stranger to online porn adverts. They were … Read more

King Dong: A Monster Movie Parody Act 4

ACT IV “Alright, so in the morning we’ll get another group together to go ashore. A couple of them that almost shit their pants today, they stay behind this time. Pick out guys that can handle themselves,” Karl said. “We’ll bring our trading materials along with us, see if we can’t bribe our way into … Read more

Commander’s Pet Part I

“I may have seen her, but not even info comes without a price, baby.” Freddy’s tongue flicks between his lips revealing brown teeth, and the movement makes my stomach lurch. Good thing there isn’t anything in there to hurl. I’d been searching for Lizzy all day and hadn’t had time scavenge anything. Now I might … Read more