Queen Yavara: Chapter 34

Day Seventeen ADRIANNA I immediately locked down my thoughts, shutting Yavara out from even the most banal of my musings. She pouted her lips. “I was only trying to see what you were dreaming about.” Though I was groggy with alcohol, I could smell the wine fresh on her breath. She’d already been drinking, and … Read more

Perils of Adventure Ch.01 – Silke

The day our heroines’ collective fate began its drift towards the unthinkable was born much like any other. When the company awoke and broke camp it was under clear skies with the mighty sun just cresting over the Eastern horizon. As they set out the same gentle breeze that had whispered them to sleep the … Read more

I was never the same and nether was she

First story please comment I was human before the experiments and I joined it for the money. The money I had saved while in the army was gone even with work what side jobs I could get. There was going to be a 20k pay out at the end of it. The experiment was supposed … Read more

Deep and Lovely Dark – Chapter 7

Sorry it took so long needed to think about what to do next. Not interested in complaints about grammar. As I’ve said before just writing for fun so don’t bother commenting about how difficult it is to read. Deep and lovely dark chapter 7 Vlad came home at 3:00 am holding a barely conscious Lisa … Read more

The Dragon Maiden

The flaps of mighty wings sent her red hair up, dancing like a flame and a cold chill between her legs. If not for the shackles binding her ankles in a spread eagle position, the wind might have blown her away from the rocky plateau. The iron bindings also made sure she could not run … Read more

Bride of the Monster

“Who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave, trying to animate lifeless clay?” -Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein” *** It started with the skin. Elsa would stay up all night looking at it. Sometimes she got so close that Elizabeth, sleeping next to her in bed, … Read more

The Breeder

I woke up. Unable to think straight I opened my eyes only halfway. It was foggy. I blinked slowly a few times to clear my vision staring at the white shiny floor. White! I hated white. While I stared at the floor I noticed my male form was totally naked. And tied up. My legs … Read more

Alien Sightings_(0)

Note to Readers: This is my first story. If you don’t like the story please don’t tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also … Read more

Nurse Demoness Chapter 1

Lightning crackled through the night sky, illuminating a feminine figure perched in a window of the Hospital Merci. Darkness quickly overtook the lights again and left only the dark shadow of a woman. Dark eyes studied the room in silence, her heart beating fast. Mina was a demon of lust. That is, she embodied everything … Read more

Stories of an Incubus (Part One)

31 December 2016 I’d been preparing for the ritual for the last week, and I finally had acquired all my supplies and set up a space in the guest bedroom of my apartment. I had acquired a large vanity mirror through craigslist and put it against one wall of the guest bedroom, and on top … Read more

The Vampire Kiss Chapter Ten: Sinful Holes

The ecstasy of the feminine ghost’s embrace fled Father Hyrum Augustine. He shuddered and blinked as realty leaped back around him. He had moved. He stood by Faust the vampire. The pair were before the large windows that looked out on Chicago. The eastern horizon lightened. The vampire Faust, a wineglass in hand, eyed the … Read more

The Changeling Ba

“Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.” -WB Yeats, “The Stolen Child” *** William didn’t tell anyone that the baby spoke to him. Who would believe it? Instead he ran away. His parents would … Read more


Alanna prepared herself for the night to come. She stood in front of her mirror surveying her outfit and make up hoping he would like it. Hell who could resist her? God would even have a difficult time resisting the thrill to ravage her succulent body. Her long raven hair fell in soft curls down … Read more

Sex Demons Need Love Too

Chapter 1: Loving You’s a Dirty Job but Somebody’s Gotta Do It Ding Dong “He’s here!” Bethany was excited to meet the potential new roommate. The harsh reality of the world came down hard on the young couple when they decided to elope. Their parents were deeply religious but from different christianity factions, which meant … Read more