Queen Yavara: Chapter 44

Chapter Forty-Four PRIVATE HESIA OF THE HIGHLAND ARMY “…I’m telling you, you’re safe if you don’t put the helmet on.” Alex said to me. We were stationed in the Crescent, a part of the Rift that bowed inward. It was the safest part of Sector Two, as the inward bow would funnel enemies into a … Read more

Awakening, Ch. 1

Author’s Note & Disclaimer: This is the first chapter in what is currently envisioned as a three-part story. This story contains graphic depictions of non-consensual sex, as well as some mild gore, and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted are over 18, and all … Read more

The Herd

The first contact with life from another planet was almost catastrophic, nearly turning humanity into a slave race. But salvation came from the sky as well, a different species with very different cultures. They offered help if we helped them in return. We accepted. The aliens came to stay. Since then, Earth became part of … Read more

A Computer Geek’s Personal Zombie Apocalypse

While I have always loved zombie movies or zombie stories in general. I didn’t think they were very realistic. Don’t get me wrong I certainly thought it was possible a widespread viral epidemic could rapidly spread through the population causing people to flail around mindlessly like zombies spreading the virus in the final stage of … Read more

Rebuilding the Union chapter 2

Chapter 2 “A Guard patrolling the area saw a few Mutant Bruisers.” Terrie told April as she was catching her breath. “Bruisers…crap thats not good. The deserters were locked up by some Bruisers they have to be going back to get them.” April knew the Guards could handle the Bruisers if they get in cover … Read more

The Pill Ch. 4

Doob’s Bar was originally a hole in the wall. The place where one could go and sit in the gloom and enjoy a drink. It was the kind of place that was normally quiet and relaxing. That is until a college had been built nearby and it became one of the hotspots for the studying … Read more

Demonic 2

Ayame believes that’s it not a persons heritage that defines them but their enviornment and how their raised, for example an adopted child who’s biological parents are violent alchoholics and drug users can live a normal productive life if that child is raised by the adoptive parents in a positive enviornment far away from negative … Read more

The Pill Ch. 3

Frog The glare of bright lights woke Heather. Strapped down to a board, she cried out in fear. The last thing she remembered was being at a bar and picking up a man when her mind went blank. Maybe there was something in her drink, she had a headache to prove that, but as the … Read more

Alien Sightings_(1)

Note to Readers: This is my first story. If you don’t like the story please don’t tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also … Read more

Good Hunting, Sarah

She could have pretended the first time was a fluke. Self-defense, like she told herself the next morning. For the next few weeks even; until, honestly, it had happened again. And again. And again, all in one week, during the thunderstorms that plagued her city. She couldn’t pretend it was a fluke anymore. Sarah preened … Read more

King Dong: A Monster Movie Parody Act 7

ACT VII True to his word, a huge crowd attended the premier. “Live at the Hollywood Bowl, Dong, the Eighth Wonder of the World, XXX Adult Show” the signs promised. The people took their seats, speculating on what they were about to see. Many rumors had filtered out, some mostly accurate and some much less … Read more

Succubus gets trapped part 2

Succubus gets trapped 2 Zandriell could feel the human girl beginning to wake in her mind, it was like having someone stand very close to you but not touch. In her mind she could hear/feel the girl ask “what’s going on? Why can’t I feel my hands or feet, or anything? And who are you?” … Read more

Ancient Enemy pt.1

  She leaned against the wall letting the steaming water wash away the unclean, oily feeling on her skin. Her bright green eyes stared, unseeing, as the twenty one year old druid focused her thoughts on the prophetic dream.         The dream had been dark and hazy. The images had rushed past in an incongruent … Read more


Qarinah (قرينة) A succubus story It started in 1992. The meatpacking district of NYC was still just that. There were no hipster dance clubs or hookah bars. The high priced lingerie shops and Apple store were not even a glimpse in their designer’s eyes. There was a slight chill to the air. I was out … Read more

Monster high introduction

Monster High pt.1 My name is Kingsley and I wish I could say that I was an average guy about to start his first day at normal high school. The sad reality is that I don’t the correct word for what I am in English is a monster I know because of movies like twilight … Read more

Orc Guardians: Prologue

“Away, you ugly beasts!” The frail, white-haired man shouted while pointing a sword towards me just a few feet away. He was backed up by four other men, each around the same age and wearing thin metal armor. Elderly humans, usually used as a last resort, if at all. “We’re passing through. Move out of … Read more

The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6, Chapter 6: Bounty Hunter Surprise

Lady Delilah – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds The ladder creaked while the wind whipped at my long, red hair. It danced about my naked shoulders. Energy burned through my body from the alchemical drink Fredagest gave me. The gnome bounty hunter climbed above me, her small body navigating the ladder with ease. … Read more