Enter Sectian Ch. 6

Someone was prodding Pamela. She felt her body rocking. Adeline must be trying to wake her mother in time for work. “Okay. Okay, Honey.” She mumbled. There was no way she would mention what the adult child’s ‘pet’ had done. She hardly believed such a thing could happen. It had been the wildest dream, and … Read more

the warrior revenge chapter 1

Warrior Revenge (This is my second story and I made story better and more interesting and please comment below hope this story entertains you.) (This is important, read this) There in the time of the dark ages there was a brave and tuff warrior, some thought he was their savoir sent from the gods others … Read more

Monster Slayer

Laura skimmed her fingers over the tall grass. Her long and brazened hair drifted lightly with the wind. The swords at the back of her waist sharp and sporting jagged edges. Two long boots colored orange and red with long elvish decal on them which was in red. These steel boots, more of shin guards, … Read more

Peeping Tom Pays the Price

“Oh, ohhhh!” Tom pulls down his pants, while never letting his eye off the peep hole. Every Sunday night, these same five girls have gathered here and done amazing sexual things to each other in this abandoned old shack. Dan pulls out his stiffening cock and slowly strokes it. Inside the four women are completely … Read more

Tattia the Transformatrix Ch1

Tattia the Transformatrix (m?/f, NC, v, transformation, snuff) Tattia was an anxious girl. She kept having fantasies about other women. She found other women attractive, but these fantasies were violent. She dreamed about doing terrible things to other women. This in and of itself was not all that disturbing. What she found most odd was … Read more

The Grove

It was getting dusk and Erica took a wrong turn in the park. She had a long day hiking the beautiful trails, seeing the amazing landscape. But now she was getting worried she was going to be able to find her way back. She heard something coming from inside the grove of trees. Maybe it … Read more

Flashes of Lightning

Flashes of Lightning On the surface everything seemed perfect. The four men were wearing black robes and chanting. There was a virgin tied down to the center of the circle. Her ankles were tied down to a hook in the cement floor, and her wrists were tied each to another hook in the floor. It … Read more

Beauty and The Beast: Chapter 9

True to his word, The Beast checked that Rose remembered the phrase ‘Goody Two Shoes’ the next morning, but over the following days things seemed to return back to normal. Rose presented her cleaning schedule and he approved it, but as she was only doing what she had always done, it didn’t seem like much … Read more

Ally Jane: Episode 1 – The deal, the deed.

Ally and Stu stood at the blast door awaiting the pressurisation. The cargo they had secured was going to land them some significant credits from the Oruk, large, greyed-out, green brute-like beasts with an apetite for metal and accompanying technology. “You know…” Stu started. “This pay could REALLY set us up” Ally looked up at … Read more

The Prophecy Ch. 1_(0)

“Life is boring,” was the constant thought that went through Luke’s mind. Although what else would run through a seventeen year old high school guy’s head while he sat in English class. The teacher was going over the word usage that Shakespeare used in his works and the only thing Luke could think of was … Read more

Enter Sectian Ch. 5

[ All characters in this story are adults. Pamela’s daughter, Adeline, is 22 years old, as stated in the first chapter. Also the story never depicts actual sex acts with Adeline, only mentions them – entirely ethical for an adult with Downs. ] Adeline’s lactation disappeared over the next few days. Her breasts fit the … Read more

Nightmare Cometh

“I can’t do it right now, Nightmare, I’m next,” Jade whispered to the belly bulge under her shirt despite the sentient horse cock having never shown any sign of understanding. It had been getting gradually more demanding in the last two years. Bored of her clumsy hands after only a few weeks, now alternating between … Read more

Mistress Of The Marsh

Declan’s heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the woods. It didn’t seem possible, but he was catching up to the buck. He’d missed his shot, but he was gaining on the animal and moving back into range. Maybe it was desperation driving him on, allowing him to run faster than he ever … Read more