Fucking Molly Weasley

A flock of birds took off from a nearby tree. It was September. An hour later the sun rose from its horizon giving out it first rays of summer light that day. Everything was still. Sounds of people rising from the nearby house were distinguished from the sound coming from nearby places. It was the … Read more

The Mortal and the Magic Wand – Chapter 03 – Wednesday

WEDNESDAY I’ve lost the trail of the wand. There are magical traces scattered all over the city, which could just be other wizards doing their thing, but most likely it’s my wand being taken all over the place. Which isn’t good, because if someone notices the increase in magical activity, then they’ll probably inform the … Read more


One day Bob Blobluto was playing “76 trombones” on his Salvation Army BB flat contrabass trombone. He was on the fifth verse and in a dream world with 75 other trombonists leading a big parade. There were also a hundred and ten cornets, a thousand reeds, copper bottom tympani, big bassoons, fifty mounted cannon, clarinets, … Read more


Doreen had been with the occult best part of her life, now she had her own practice, using meeting places in various local towns or villages, she built up quite a community and was respected by her followers. At thirty-seven, she was getting tired of life, never had she ever been taken to bed by … Read more

Fuzzy Faced Allia: Snake in the Mud

Allia lived in a diverse world full of monsters and creatures. Her home, a massive city, had defenses to keep the evil out, but that didn’t prevent her parents from mistreating her and using her like a toy. They fed her various body modification potions starting at the age of nine; which warped her into … Read more

Professor Marvel Heroine Capture Part 1

Professor Marvel leaped spreading her legs wide to clear the gap from building to building while trying to concentrate on a hot lead to the supervillain MasterMind. Not for the first time, she let her thoughts drift back to her outfit and how it was unpractical. That last leap showcased the exact problem of showing … Read more

Harry Potter and the Sisters Black chapter 1(full chapter)

Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room he’s in looks to be a cell, one steel door, one cot, one chamber pot, and four gray stone walls. He doesn’t feel anything unusual.He thinks to himself. “Ok, let’s try to figure this out. … Read more

A Welcomed Guest 8

Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet – Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor – Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music and fertility. Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat – Goddess of Truth … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 22 – Persuading Hagrid

It was the middle of January and Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be enjoying the cold windy Saturday in the beautiful town of Hogsmeade. They had all dressed accordingly; wearing their heavy winter cloaks to keep warm while they were visiting the magical village. Hermione’s Saturday had not started well however; her latest visit to … Read more

A Welcomed Guest 10

Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet – Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor – Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility. Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat – Goddess of Truth … Read more

Mind Controlled Janice Pt. 116

Janice groaned and looked at the clock beside her bed it was only 10.15 at night and she knew it was going to be a disturbed night. There was singing and loud music coming from the garden of the house two doors away. Russell was having another of his late night barbecues and as usual … Read more