A Good man

A Good man ————————————————————————————————— Tom Palance sat on the park bench trying to not feel sorry for his self. Christ they said that bad luck always traveled in threes but now he was starting to believe it. First he’d walked out on his wife, he loved her but he just couldn’t take her anymore. Good … Read more

Leben 20

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Finally able to get out of bed Alan started to push everyone harder. They may not be as strong but he was damn sure going to make sure if they went down, they went after inflicting … Read more

Leben 6

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army “You did what!?” Varick was practically screaming. “I thought I warned you not to! Now that repulsive son of a bitch will be after us even more! We aren’t strong enough yet to completely resist him!” … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 15

Nightmares filled my dreams. Explosions, death, and cries for help haunted me, as I tossed and turned, trying to escape from the horrors filling my sleep. The worst part was that it was the demons dying that I was dreaming about. I had killed for the first time in my life, and no matter the … Read more

The Bite

The call came in at 9pm one night. “Ethan, I’m so sorry to call so late! Is Kellie awake? I tried calling her first.” The call was from Kellie’s sister, Kristin who sounded a bit distraught. “No, she’s been asleep for a bit, is everything ok?” “Ummm… yes. I’m super sorry to bug you. It’s … Read more

Quit living on dreams (S4) (D4)

What happened before: Daniel is a guy that just moved in with his uncle in the big city. He can read people’s minds which makes things a bit complicated. In his new school he found Chloe, the one girl whose thoughts he can’t read. The two got together. (Pretty good story, you should read it … Read more

Sapphire’s Quest: Brothel

Sapphire was having an interview with, Kara, the brothel’s manager. Her quest to find her mother, after she was taken by the vicious slave trader Gorogn, was proving to be more difficult than expected. She had almost no money left and the jumps through some space portals to reach faraway planetary systems were expensive. Sapphire … Read more

A Good Man 7

A Good Man 7 —————————————————————————————————————————– Awakening Tom was still tired, damn hadn’t been like that since all this started. Rolling out of bed he was shocked to see Futha sitting beside his bed, she hadn’t made a sound upon entering waiting quietly for Tom to awake. “Hello Futha, I’m sorry I wasn’t awake to greet … Read more

Leben 2

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Leben 2 —————————————————- Alan Gance was in shock, it had to be shock, and the woman in front of him was exceedingly beautiful. She was … wait had she just called him son? Alright what in … Read more

Bait and Switch Ch. 09 (Edited)

Thanks to garbonzo607 for his insightful edits. =================================== I knew where I was as soon as the blue light penetrated my eyelids. My eyes flew open, but I was disappointed to see I was the only person in the room. The white light doused me then, and I could feel the energy leaking from me, … Read more

A Good Man 8

A Good Man 8 ———————————————————————————————————————————————- The Queen was nervous, it had only been a few days since mage Tom had done any healing to her daughter. Her daughter was still unstable at times, they had to tie her down to keep her from hurting her self or others, just as the mage Tom had warned. … Read more

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree, Ch. 02

“I think our changes are getting stronger, Amy. I’ve been feeling… really horny around you lately. Even more than usual,” Josh grunted during one of Amy’s daily after-school visits. His large dick throbbed visibly against his athletic shorts, and his new girlfriend’s eyes widened rhythmically in excitement with each pulse. “It’s making it… hard to … Read more

Caveworms 4

Anticipation can be a difficult thing to deal with. I can’t say I was worried about mum’s reaction when she came down and saw us, but not knowing exactly what was going to happen was making me excited, though somewhat impatient. I could tell Hannah was feeling it too. After we heard the ominous silence … Read more

Supernatural Nation: First Encounter of the Furry Kind

First Encounter of the Furry Kind Chapter 3 The shifting of the bed and the rustle of sheets brought Anthony to full wakefulness instantly. Sasha was moving quietly peering at the floor in the pre-dawn gloom. She bent at the waist giving him an excellent view of her perfectly shape butt and when she straightened … Read more

Bimbo Potion, Revenge, Ch. 05

The next morning, sexually sated for the first time in days after getting stuffed with cock at the club the night before, Amy was sitting on the couch absentmindedly playing with her jiggly new C-cups when they began to remind her of their ever-present need for another splash of the bimbo potion. As tempting as … Read more

The Young Master and his Ebony Slave (Part One)

“Another day…in my pathetic life…in this sad pathetic world.” Sighing to herself like she did at the end of every work day, Denise Noble gathered her things from her locker, slammed it shut, and made her way to the bulletin board to clock out. “Hey Denise. Rough work day?” Her co-worker Amy had just came … Read more

A Super Life

** Hello. This story is a direct result of a PM I got and a sexy chat with my friend Amazon36DD. I would also like to thank the bottle of Yellow Tail Shiraz for the contribution it made to my thought processes during this. It is, obviously, a work of fiction. I don’t have super … Read more