How to train your guard dog

. “Hi I’m jenny I’m 26 and I had recently come into some money when a relative died and I had decided to set up a dog farm providing trained security dogs.” I had originally intended to have a career in cybernetics. I had worked with a girl called sue at uni where we developed … Read more

The Elf Ranger and the Wolf

Eshenesra pulled the travelling cloak tighter around her shoulders. The night was a bitter cold and although her leather armor was tough, it did little to keep the chill from setting in. The farmland surrounding the village of Wealdstone stretched around her as far as the eye could see, with only occasional small homesteads dotting … Read more


Her first experience with Latex 3 years ago, long before I ever found this site, I started this search to find a site, a sex site. Not a dating site, not some website where I was looking to hook up with anyone. All I wanted to do was share my stories and thoughts and get … Read more

Test Subject

“I’m home!” I heard her shout as she walked through the front door. The her I refer to is my oldest sister Lauren, a total knockout. She’s five foot ten, slender, with nicely large breasts and a gorgeous face framed with stunning red hair, which comes from my mother’s side of the family. Similar can … Read more

Joe’s Story

JOE’S STORY Joe was in hospital recovering from a serious accident, he didn’t remember anything about it, but he had been told that he had been in a car crash where he had suffered a serious head wounds, which was giving the doctors some concern. He had suffered broken arms, leg and ribs, which weren’t … Read more

Kneel or No Kneel Pt. 02

Chapter 2: After the Show I couldn’t see a thing. I was living in a world of inky blackness with only sound and the pain in my abused little body to keep me company. I wasn’t deprived of sight due to a blindfolded nor was it the result of the fogginess in my brain but … Read more

Johanna Morgenthau and the Search for the Cinnamon Ice Cream Chapter 07

Naked. Back in the city. It’s after midnight, and the moon shines in the sky. Johanna glides through the night air, landing quite roughly on a multi-story townhouse in the historic town, several roof tiles slide off and rain down into the garden. What is she actually looking for? She’s not sure why she’s here. … Read more

A Ghostly Tail – Rewrite

–A Ghostly Tail – Rewrite Brandi was driving to the summer beach cabin in her sports car. Bikini clad and sunglasses, she rides the coast highway with the wind in her hair. Her bold self-confidence had been spurred by her social media presence. Her followers cheered at her antics. Half-naked poses, risque positions and her … Read more

Mind Controlled Janice Pt. 116

Janice groaned and looked at the clock beside her bed it was only 10.15 at night and she knew it was going to be a disturbed night. There was singing and loud music coming from the garden of the house two doors away. Russell was having another of his late night barbecues and as usual … Read more

Mind controlled Janice Pt. 104

Janice drove us from the college, on the way I asked her, “are you sure,” She took her hand off the steering wheel and squeezed my knee, “I really want you Ruth I feel desperate to have you.” I was surprised, arriving at college for work that morning I had been worried about Janice’s reaction … Read more


Cassandra was sitting on the study, feeling uneasy. She’d found a manuscript in her grandfather’s old desk and now she couldn’t stop reading. It was so mysterious. It read… “The legend establishes that it came down in a ball of fire hundreds of years ago near the northern woods, but no one can tell for … Read more

Getting What I Want pt 1: The three brothers.

Ugh, another day at work… “I’m so sick of working at this stupid old tractor store” I thought to myself as I vaulted out of bed. I was going to be late, but what do I care? My dad is the boss, and I can get away with anything I want. I love that thought. … Read more