Falling Ch. 10

Chapter 10, In which Stacey is a hater I suddenly awakened, gazing silently at the ceiling of the darkened bedroom. The soft sound of Stacey’s breathing came from atop the bed, but that wasn’t what had roused me. I listened carefully, feeling aches in every inch of my body. Some of it was sleeping on … Read more

Trafficked Love Ch. 6

Chapter Six: The Prey Angel spent another three nights at the motel. She received no break from clients. Rich came to pick her up after nearly a week of work. He took her back to his house. He let her relax in front of the TV for the day. Two other girls came and kept … Read more

Bad Seed 9

Wren smiled when she saw her brother’s ship in front of them as they were exiting Hyper – space. “How long before we can fire?” Shwe asked of the ship’d A.I. “No longer than a half hour,” her A.I. Trigon said. “Stay out of sight and sensor range,” Wren said. “What? You’re not going to … Read more

The Conquerer – Parts 1 & 2

Chapter 1: The sky was quiet. Tor Endril stood, unmoving in the cold winter air. He felt the wind’s icy breath on his skin, but it was more annoyance than nuisance. He idly wondered what the Broodmother might be doing. He longed for Her touch, but the icy wind prevented him from imagining Her warm … Read more

A Drop Of Inque_(0)

Some people call New York, “Gotham City.” Others call it, “Metropolis.” Most call it, “The Big Apple.” New York is also the home for all sorts of crazies. They range from self-appointed mercenary groups to would-be superheroes. A day doesn’t go by that the news doesn’t report the daring deeds of the Guardian Angels, Hells … Read more

Daddy’s Mind-Controlled Daughters 1: Virgin Controlled

Deidre Icke, President of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, marched through the halls of her office building, the florescent lights flickering, the walls painted a mellow beige. At a first glance, it could pass for any office building in America. But Deidre knew differently. From here, the world would change. She’d follow in the footsteps … Read more

Conquest of Elysium Chapter 02

Also absolutely no character engaging in any sexual act is to be considered under eighteen years of age. With a story of this nature I will not be able to list the ages of every character or make specific notations regarding ages of groups. Please do not read something into the story that wasn’t intended … Read more

Leben 15

Angelika – Like an angel Truda – Fighting woman Varick – Protecting Ruler Harman – Man of the army Alan sighed, it had been a week so far and still no one was getting where he wanted them to be. Appearing near the training area he watched as Madde and Angelika were flying across the … Read more


“If there is a universal mind, must it be sane?” -Damon Knight. Often misattributed to Charles Fort. *** December, 1967. West Virginia: The knock came at midnight. Klein answered; it was the man in the black suit. He came into the motel room, closed the door, and handed Klein a stack of papers. “You’ll be … Read more

The Sphere

It was the humming that woke her up. The humming, and the headache. It wasn’t a hangover, the woman thought. It felt different. What had she done? The woman sat up slowly, sliding her slender legs over the edge of the bed. She felt cool steel. Unusual. The darkness around her did not change as … Read more

The Devil On Your Shoulder- Chapter 2

Part 1- The morning — James smiled as he lay in bed, holding his beautiful wife; his mind was filled with memories of his dream from last night, which he knew was more than a dream. He also knew that he now possessed the ability to get anyone to do anything he wanted, simply by … Read more

Bad Seed 7

Wren watched with her anger rising. Who in the hell, did her brother think he was? A moment later both the thermic missiles impacted against his ship’s shields. An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother’s ship go dark. “Open a channel Trigon.” Wren said. “Channel open Master Wren.” Trigon … Read more

The Captive part 1.

I was waiting patiently. He was never this late coming down. I had been sitting there for hours-infact I’d been there for two years. I remember it like it was yesterday, he’d bundled me into the car. I’d just left my friends house and the air was warm and the sun was just setting in … Read more

Tim, the Teenage Part XXIII

The sensations of a glass of soda at my lips awoke me, and I greedily swallowed the drink, finding myself very thirsty. Mick refilled the glass as I found myself in Joey’s bunk with Joey beside me. Mick handed the glass back to Joey who held it for me as I drank it down. My … Read more


Another pair of pants ruined. Holes in both knees. Third time this week Bruno pulled Tomiko down the sidewalk, but this really needed to stop. It was costing her too much money for clothes. He didn’t look as guilty as he was, he just sat there with that stupid look on his face like he … Read more

Homecoming Chapter 4

Chapter Four “What Have You Done?” Mrs. Benson stood on my front porch with a look of contempt that I have never seen before. She looked at me like I was a murderer and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Mr. Snead, what is going on?” she asked, her voice dripping disdain. … Read more

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires – Chapter 7 – The Restricted Section

Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter Seven – The Restricted Section Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, magic, preg, spank Draco Malfoy had just caused the entire Weasley family … Read more