Football tournament 3

—————————- ————————————- Notice: Just a few updates I’m going to tell you guys… 1. If you haven’t read 1 or 2 in my series I really suggest you read it first. 2. I was looking at some past pictures of me and I realized my cocksize could not possibly 8 inches when fully erect. Therefore … Read more

My Little Buddy, My Lover

Finally, the last semester! Turn 4 before the great beyond! 4 more classes before graduation! Unfortunately, they are the hardest 4 classes. Oct 26, Week 10, midterms for econometrics, 30% of overall grade and Dr. Schute promised to give us ulcers. I’m on the brink of freaking out this afternoon, Econometrics is a required course, … Read more

my pregnant neighbor_(1)

I was 58 years old when Shelly came into my life. I had been living alone since my kids had left home and my wife died, and having lots of unoccupied time I took to doing a lot of work in the yard. Over the years I had built myself a nice deck, planted shade … Read more

Inside Me: C01

Inside Me —– 1 — Why is it that in all the good stories, the guys are the protagonists? They’re the ones you cry over. They’re the ones with the emotions. The girl is always their support. Support. Their strength. Never them. Never the Protagonist. When the girl is in danger; when she gets hurt; … Read more

don’t tell mom the ba

“I don’t need a babysitter mom” Devon whined. Mrs. Wilson was fastening her necklace at the door trying to step into her shoes at the same time. “She’s not for you, she’s for Kate, now go get your dad, we’re going to be late.” “But I’m old enough to watch her myself.” Devon hated being … Read more

I’m Being Blackmailed

All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Hi, my name’s Claire and I’m being blackmailed into being a slut. That’s very true but I guess that I should start at the beginning. I’m 19 and come from what I suppose you could call a … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 4 – Aayla Secura

Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo were on their way to the planet Bilbringi to meet their Jedi Master Uncle, Luke Skywalker, before travelling back to the Jedi training facility on Yavin 4. That wasn’t the big news however; the Solo siblings had found a most peculiar piece of historical data. A data chip with several … Read more

Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 2

“MUM… MUM…. WHERE ARE YOU?” Charles screams at the top of his lungs as he runs through the hallway of the local hospital, he passes patients and nurses alike, all he wants to know is where his Mum is. He had been sitting at home enjoying the chance to watch a teen flick filled with … Read more

Meeting is near an end

It was finally the end of the first week of the training conference. Although there was still another week ahead of us last night they had thrown a dinner party for the group to let off steam after a long and sometimes very boring week. I woke up and tentatively opened my eyes knowing I … Read more

A MILF and her son

Matt was what you would consider to be an average 15 year old. He lived with his parents, went to school, went to parties, normal high school stuff. Matt’s dad traveled a lot so it was usually just him and his mom in the house. Now, Matt’s mom, Julie, was a MILF, as his friends … Read more

20 questions

I am a happily married travelling salesman who spends about 70% of the time on the road all over North America. This is a true story of what happened on a recent selling trip. Please forgive the length as it will probably have to come in several parts. It gets very lonely on the road … Read more

A wet mess

“What the hell?” I thought. My cold, just barely sipped from, beer was in my lap. My shorts clinging to me. My brand new perfectly fitted white shorts were clinging to me. “Fuck. Why don’t I wear underwear more often?” I snapped at myself. “What idiot did this? How will I get out of here … Read more