The Concert_(2)

It was the metal concert of a lifetime and every major metal band was playing at this concert. For a full 24 hours as much as I wanted to go with someone I couldn’t find anyone to go with me. I couldn’t afford two tickets so I bought one for myself in hopes that my … Read more

The Girl Next Door_(7)

This all begins one night when I was getting home from a party after football. Of course I didn’t want my parents finding out I had a few “root beers” and a “salad” so I cut through the woods, to get to the back of the house so I could climb in my bed room … Read more

Motherfucker: Part 2

I was so excited when I was driving to Beaumont that next weekend to visit my mother for the purpose of having sex with her again that my penis stayed in a partially-erect state, without me even laying a hand on it throughout the long drive. Okay, so maybe I lied a little bit. I … Read more

Sarah’s Dick

Hiya, my name is Sarah. I’m 13 years old. I’m pretty (everybody says so), blonde hair, green eyes and pink lips. I live in California and spend a lotta time outside so it’s kinda hard not to get a tan you know? I’m happy with how I look. I’m slim (“too skinny” my mom says, … Read more

The party I get stone drunk at…

“Shut the fuck up mum!” I screamed down the hallway. Just an average Sunday afternoon. Ahhhhh. Of course, my mother and I have never been close. Never even been close to close, as far as I can remember. My dad died in a car accident a year and a half ago, and my mum’s temper has … Read more

Employed for their pleasure – Pt 1 – The trip from home to the space station.

Employed for their pleasure. Pt 1 The trip from home to the space station. The supply ship was docked at the main space port and shuttles were taking things up to it and loading supplies to take to various planets and space stations throughout a five light year radius from us. The master of the … Read more

Teenage Bus Trip

True Story: My choir took a two week choir trip every summer. We would go from town to town singing in churches, spending the night in someone’s home, and then getting back on the bus again. A few time we would stay in a motel, but not often. Sometimes we would ride the bus through … Read more


MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 3 CHURCH After dinner, as Rach helped mom clean up, I took the opportunity to pull up my shorts, close them as best I could, and excuse myself. I left the scrunchie on my dick, not knowing yet, where or when I was going to give it back. … Read more

Christian’s hot neighbour

This is my first story so I kept it a little shorter to see if it’s well received. Open to comments and criticism, both positive and negative. Let me know what you thought and enjoy the story. It was just another ordinary day for Christian. He woke up and jerked off thinking about his hot … Read more

King High: Bathroom Break

King High Misses Oliver’s chemistry class sat huddled around a wooden table in the centre of her classroom, observing intently as she poured a mixture of liquids together to create smokes and fizzing sounds. The boys were wide-eyed with a teenage lust for destruction, broad grins sitting on their faces, whilst the girls sat and … Read more