Broken Bliss CH 6
The sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned … Read more
Conference Sex
“I’m just saying,” Dan said quietly, “conference sex is a thing.” “Geez, honey,” Jenn rolled her eyes. “It’s a work conference, not one of your pervy fantasies.” The airport crowds flowed around the young couple, people drifting in and out of shops and food stands or making their way to the security lines that stood … Read more
The Queen, the Slave ch 1-4
Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling … Read more
Soaked through
I knew she wouldn’t be happy that I didn’t go and collect her as it was raining so heavy but I was really busy in the house that I’d lost track of the time, anyway she had turned 16 the day before so she wanted her ‘Independence’. My name is Chris and I’m 24 and … Read more
Adapting to life
The transition from the ships back to the surface was a slow one, and as expected many people learned very quickly that life as they had once know had changed drastically. A civilization that had once been technologically advanced enough to escape the world and nearly destroy it’s self had been forced to devolve back … Read more
Precious Gem Twin Sisters, Ch 5 Ru
Precious Gem Twin Sisters Chapter 5 – Ruby and Sybian Night Ruby called me up one Monday night and told me to come over. As I arrived, I saw that Diamond’s car was there too. I wondered if I had another fun surprise in store for me! When I walked in, I could hear the … Read more
Masterful Deceivers: Ethan and Tommy: Chapter 1
Masterful Deceivers: Ethan and Tommy Chapter 1 Ethan stood there in the new underwear he had bought online just for the occasion. He admired himself in the mirror, twisting and turning his body left, then right, checking to see how it fit along the supple curve of his buttocks. He hated the boxers his parents … Read more
Girl and Dark Castle – chapter 7
Hallway As they walked to the next room she took his arm tighter. Going from resting arm in arm to almost hugging it. He was surprised when her head rested on his arm. “Sir, I’m not sure I’m ready for all this. I’m not that experienced. All these,” she said waving her arms grandly, hesitating,” … Read more
Blind Fuck
Okay, I’ll admit it. I am a very horrible person. I’d probably be in hell by the time you read this. So what have I done that been so bad that God must send me to hell as soon as possible? I raped someone. Not just someone, a blind girl. Do I feel guilty about … Read more
My Sex Life 1 (revised)
This is a true story of how my sex life began and progressed throughout the years. Just a warning my spelling and grammer skills are not perfect so please dont leave comments like that. Either you like it or you dont. Also this involves some young teen sex so if you dont like that then … Read more
Stacy the Asian pharmacist: The Trip Home
Stacy the Asian pharmacist and her family have caught a very late plane from Disneyworld in Florida. It’s a midnight flight, and will take 6 hours to get back home. To Stacy’s surprise, the stewardess greeting them at the plane’s door–Lynda–is a customer at her pharmacy back home. Lynda is in her late thirties, about … Read more
Ohh Mom: Pt. 1
Alright this is my first story ever. I just wanted to say that some of these parts are true and some are just fantasies that I’ve had. I’m open to all criticism and comments. If you have an idea that you would like to share for one of my next stories sent me a message. … Read more
Way Too Sticky
The first thing I feel when I wake up is an incredible orgasm tearing through my body. The next thing I feel is a slug slithering out of my pussy. I shudder, half disgust and half pleasure. The shudder triggers more activity. I look down at my considerably swollen stomach. I can feel slugs stirring. … Read more
Thanks for the Show
Ive been a writer for officially a year! Who would’ve thought. This is my first story with a non-incest theme, had an idea and decided to run with it. This is from the female POV, as well as my first one-part story. I’ve decided to take this time now and write a few stories I … Read more
“I can read your mind baby, you want one of them don’t you? Why don’t we have two of them?,” my man Roger teased. It was a hot night and by eleven most of the boys were cavorting naked in and out of the pool. Every single one of them had a wonderful body, with … Read more
An erotic evening
It was late one evening when I headed down to Seattle to see my friend Jenna. Jenna and I had gone to college together before she moved down for grad school. She was gorgeous, and I always had a bit of a crush on her. She was about 5’10”, Indian, with massive smooth breasts and … Read more
My Trolly Man part 1
My Trolly Man part 1 I was feeling a little weird, but my family had had this trip planned for almost a year, so I didn’t say anything. A beach trip to Shellmore City for a stay at the luxurious Sheeba Resorts was all that I had thought about before my illness. Thankfully the new … Read more
I had sat in the same chair a little earlier that afternoon while my lady Mia teased my wet nipples with her fingertips, they were wet after another man had licked them as foreplay. For what seemed like years, my lady Mia, and me Ario, had been seriously bi-curious, hoping one day the opportunity for … Read more
The Dancer 3
He saw Jacob in second period the next day and Jacob just ignored him. Chris found him at recess and again Jacob just walked away. At lunch Chris had had enough. Chris found him in the canteen line with one of his friends. Jacob looked extremely bored but would smile and nod when needed. ” … Read more