Brandi and Her Step Dad: Freaky Friday

Brandi and Her Step-Dad: Freaky Friday It hadn’t taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mother’s nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe; For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason … Read more

Camping with the Johnsons PT1

In the summer of 1998, I had the camping trip that would change my life. I jumped out of bed and crept downstairs, while still adjusting my glossy brown eyes to the brighter hallway. “Mornin’, Noah.” mumbled Dad, who also had just rolled out of bed. “Are you ready for the big day? The Johnson’s … Read more

The Benefits of Working From Home

It’s 11 a.m., and I’m perched at the kitchen table in my usual “work-from-home” ensemble: jogging bottoms, a loose T-shirt that might as well be pyjamas, and an old coffee mug that’s more decoration than necessity at this point. My laptop’s open, displaying a spreadsheet full of marketing data for the IT company that employs … Read more


I had been on this adult website that was much like face book but all adult. Reading threads and messages from people I never met in real life, sharing experiences, being social. I had long given up hope of finding the one submissive I was looking for but still liked to stay in contact with … Read more

The World’s First Futa 06 – Futa’s Beauty Pageant 2: Futa’s First Sultry Decision

April 17th, 2047 “So you said that most of the contestants just sang songs?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaned closer to me. She liked doing that, getting close, her thighs pressed tight, stained with my futa-cum. “That’s it?” “I know, it sounds so boring compared to the modern competitions where the contestants … Read more

Passions of Innocents, Chapter 3 ( Momma Spills The Beans )

Keith emerged from the shower feeling good and smelling a little sweeter. He slid on a pair of fresh jeans and went into the kitchen to get a beer out of the box, discovering that he only had about 4 left. ‘Damn, now I gotta run into town and get some more, tomorrows Sunday and … Read more

Solo Fun

Light streamed through the open window and the clock on her bed side table read 6:00 am, her favorite time of the day. No one in the house would be up yet, it was almost as though she did not have roommates and the house belonged only to her. She pulled the covers off of … Read more

No Hands!

The rules are simple. No hands. You sit quietly in the chair and cannot touch my cock or balls with your hands. I will do all the work. You can touch yourself all you want, but not my cock or balls. You can touch my ass or my legs or my chest or my nipples, … Read more

Snowball fight

Snowball Fight It all started when I was around 14 years old, just getting used to growing up and learning about my sexuality. I was interested in trying new things, especially with girls. I lived in a pleasant town, with lots of friends in my neighborhood. But one stood out. A few houses down lived … Read more

The Dog Fucker – Part 1: Planet K-9

Prologue It started with a flash of pink light. I yelped, the cry echoing throughout the small room that had been my home for the past three years. It wasn’t much, but it was better than what most of the orphans got. Still, I could not help clinging on to the hope that my parents … Read more


“We both have similar sexual mores,” Sarah smiles at me. “We both enjoy a bisexual tryst around around once a month. Our rules are no fucking, just oral sex. Though that doe’s leave lots of scope. “You know how much I enjoy a much younger man licking me to orgasm before I blow him. And … Read more

Keio – The Green pills (1)

“Get your body toned! Get in shape! Become the girl of everyones dreams!” The commercial message had been hammering down hard on Keio’s mind now for months. She saw the ad several times a day – on FB, via mails in her apps… She had always, at least since her school-years (which weren’t that long … Read more

Sally awakes – Chapter 08

Sally’s affair with her father continues to the satisfaction of both of them. Her absent mother calls. This could get interesting. I rang dad and said I would home late as I was working late. I told him to eat something. After work I changed into my shirt and top outfit (sans bra) and headed … Read more

The Top of the Mountain

“Come on!” Max whispered urgently, poking his head into his daughter’s bedroom, “We’re not going to get there before the slopes open, at this rate.” “I’m coming,” Winnie whined. The young girl jammed the last of her things into a small, galaxy print backpack and stuffed it shut. She tugged at the zippers, trying to … Read more

Flashing My 2nd Cousin

I’m really happy about all the people who been nice to me here & liked my stories. A lot-lot have said I should do more flash experience stories. It’s not like I wana get all known for the flash stuff but I mean I love flashing. Just don’t wana bore yall by just writing that. … Read more

Summer Fun – Chapter 2 – One Thing on My Mind

CHAPTER 2 – ONE THING ON MY MIND Riding home from the Fairlawn Apartments that afternoon, I was in a state of bliss. Even the simple action of peddling the bike was causing just enough repetitive movement between my legs to arouse me. My teenage brain is on fire and sorting out what happened just … Read more