“They are holding a business seminar and requiring some entertainment at the end of proceedings. The women range in age from mid-twenties to fifty-plus.” At nine-thirty the next Friday the organizer of the convention, Lucy, is watching us prepare as she fills in some details. We are enjoying teasing her, and ourselves, by flaunting our … Read more

Danny’s secret desires part 1

Danny Fenton, with a look of contemplation on his face, hunched over a glowing computer screen in a dimly lit room. He’s dressed in his typical casual attire, a hint of his half-ghost form peeking through the fabric of his clothes, suggesting he’s in his secret identity. The room is cluttered with comic books and … Read more

A Dream Come True_(3)

The ancient, dusty cobweb expanded as the warm air tugged at its weakened skeletal fabric. A rumbling swelled within the confines of the underground station; a roaring sound interspersed with the ‘clickety clack’ of steel wheels hammering onto the next section of track. Like a bullet from a gun the train burst from the dark … Read more

Brittany – Chapter One

It didn’t happen all at once. Like most things, it happened so gradually over time that I didn’t even put the pieces together that it was happening until much, much later. I don’t remember exactly when Nick started teaching me about rubbing, but it was sometime after my 18th birthday. I had just graduated from … Read more

Good Neighbours Ch. 1

Chapter 1 Goddamn it’s too hot, even for July! I thought to myself, wiping sweat out of my eyes as I pushed the mower around the backyard. With the temperatures being so high for so long, and having less rain than the desert over the last month, I was surprised my grass was even still … Read more

The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 3

Please begin with chapters 1-2 Chapter 3: Lacey and Ricky Modeling One day I invited Ricky to walk me home from school so we could share some after school treats that mom would have for me when I arrived home. We walked into the house together and noticed an unusual silence. In the kitchen was … Read more

The Farmer’s Wife & Daughters

One hot summer’s day, a day like any other, the farmer’s daughter was out on the farm, playing about and keeping herself busy. The farmer was protective of his little girls and the day to day farm work was never expected of them. His daughter’s simply spent their time as they pleased, enjoying a free … Read more

Soccer Mom and a Bully Chapter 3_(0) by

I’ve been crying myself to sleep every night since this whole ordeal started, though I’ve been doing more crying than sleeping lately. My eyes are puffy, sore and red and I’m staring at the ceiling in my bedroom. It’s late maybe two or three in the morning? it’s hard to tell, my vision is blurry … Read more


“After this you owe me baby, I want that gorgeous sex bomb girlfriend Gloria of yours next week while you watch.” “Okay, deal, look forward to it,” she smiled as Ric continued kissing her ass with a throbbing erection. Watching him grab her ass cheeks then slowly slide his ten-inch cock into her as he … Read more

Brandi and Her Step Dad: Freaky Friday

Brandi and Her Step-Dad: Freaky Friday It hadn’t taken very long. Just three months after her new stepfather had moved in, and Brandi was having an illicit affair with him, and all right under her pretentious mother’s nose. She would have never imagined such a thing possibe; For one, she had despised the intrusion Jason … Read more

Camping with the Johnsons PT1

In the summer of 1998, I had the camping trip that would change my life. I jumped out of bed and crept downstairs, while still adjusting my glossy brown eyes to the brighter hallway. “Mornin’, Noah.” mumbled Dad, who also had just rolled out of bed. “Are you ready for the big day? The Johnson’s … Read more