What is love?

It was Friday night and my summer break before college had just started. I was 18 and driving on my provisional driver’s license waiting June to switch to July so I could obtain my unrestricted driver’s license. I had nothing to do and all my friends were out so I decided to go on a … Read more

James to Jamie

I’m James, and I was your standard young academic student. Average height, average build, average features. Longer brown hair, and a clean shaven face. I lived with my mother, and my older sister, Jenny. Jenny was typical as well. She played soft ball, went to dances, and while she enjoyed attention from guys, she never … Read more

A New Play thing at the party

Well, where to begin? At the start is probably a good place. My name is Dan and my wife is called Linzi. We have 2 girls 1 is a teenager (Miley) and the other is still a daddies little princess type (Mia). My wife and I have been together for about 18 years now and … Read more

Linda’s tale – Chapter 1

Linda is smitten with Adrian. Where it leads is not what she expected. Hi, I am Linda. I am 23, tall, not bad looking and sexually active. I learned that I am a sucker for guys in uniform. That is why I have been involved with Adrian for 3 years now. I met him at … Read more

My New Neighbors Part 3

Please read Part’s 1 & 2 of My New Neighbors in order to make sense of this story. Thank you. As I said, while Troy was away for the two weeks, Benny was at my place almost every day. One day, we decided to go play tennis nearby. Benny had to show me where the … Read more

Red – Part VII – A Quick Trip

Sara was jolted from her nap when the phone rang. She glanced over at the kitchen clock. It was 6:15pm. She’d been studying hard since school started three weeks ago and had passed out in the process. It was her trucker friend, Cliff. “Hey babe, I’m coming north on 95 and was wondering if you’d … Read more

Planting the neighbor’s garden

Looking out the window across the yard into the neighbor’s yard watching Mrs. Wills sunbathe was about as good as it could get, or so I thought. She was in her late twenties and was very beautiful. Her long black hair was always perfect and it matched her perfect face and body. She had a … Read more

The Omega Project- Chapter 2

John Meyers was having trouble focusing as he drove toward the high school where he worked. His mind was on the unusual, but not unpleasant, encounter with Jennifer, one of his neighbors. She had been jogging by his yard, as she did every day. Today though, she suddenly intercepted him in his driveway, dropped to … Read more

Subjects 0 – CH 1

This story is a bit of a change from my others, but ties into them. Read to the end, to see how. There will be more chapters to come. ————————————————————————————- STATUS REPORT: Using substance gleaned from Subject 0, test animals seem to go into a mating frenzy. The chances of offspring seem to increase, even … Read more

The Shed Club (Part 5)

A reminder of where we are (from part 4….)…… “”Have you ever shot before?”, I asked, as casually as possible as I was buttoning up my skirt. It was obvious that several others there found this question interesting as well, as they stopped straightening their knickers and waited for the answer. “Well, yes”, he finally … Read more

Twins n best buds X

Twins n best buds X Last night I had a date and while we were eating and talking the girl I was with made a comment about how it is really weird that me and Taylor can finish each other’s sentences and talk so much alike. Somewhere in the convo she asked if we had … Read more