Milk of Desire, Chapter 5 : Setting up for a sleepover

Chapter 5 : Setting up for a sleepover So much has happened in the past few days, and even more this morning, that I was almost dizzy. As best as I could work out I think I have inherited some kind of power over people who have tasted me. My sister drank a glass of … Read more

I won’t tell if you don’t Part 2 Aftermath

The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with it, leading to our closer relationship. To get Beth’s help in … Read more

Hero Worship & Nocturnal Emissions – Part 2

The inside of my thigh was damp and sticky, where I had oozed so much pre-cum inside my own pyjamas. The stuff was everywhere and Michael, meanwhile, had just rolled onto his stomach, on top of a load of his own spurting cum that had fallen on the sheets. PART TWO The next morning, my … Read more

Night of the Living Pussy Chapter 2

Two hours later Stephanie woke on the floor and slowly began to rise. She turned her head to look at the clock, which read 11:23pm. “Shit…..” she muttered as she slowly picked herself up off the floor. Once on her feet she yelped as she felt a familiar stir between her legs. “About time you … Read more

Her Name Was Lilly_(1)

–Her Name Was Lilly– Her name was Lilly. We were the same age, and ever since we hit puberty, I’ve been fascinated with her body. I never told her, of course, at least not before that day. Lilly was gorgeous; she was arguably the best-looking girl in the high school, and she drove me crazy. … Read more

Taylor Swift Goes to ‘That Stupid Club’

31 December 2016 Taylor Swift couldn’t wait for the party. Dan Dymtrow had told her that an executive producer of Weinstein Company was holding a New Year’s party and needed someone for the main event of the night. Dan had mentioned her and she got the job. She would finally get a chance to display … Read more

Falling In, Part 4

I lay there quietly for some time, Jacky next to me, her breath competing with the volume from the tv that I was just now realizing was still playing. My breath came in pants and gasps. I was tired in the same way that I was after a football game, or a particularly grueling wrestling … Read more

Goodnight Daddy Part 1

Ever since my daughter Cora was very young we started the nightly ritual of me tucking her into bed and kissing her goodnight. As she grew into an older teen for whatever reasons we maintained that routine. Though over that time she has changed into beautiful young woman and the once innocence has since been … Read more

Potential Part 2_(1)

Chapter 2 The Big Secret in Bubble-butt Heaven Before you start reading, note: I made some changes. PM me for original version. Comments, I work for comments, not for free. The next day at school, Evan scanned the cafeteria before putting his tray on the table and sliding in across from Jason Barnes, his best … Read more

Twelve Days a Slave 13 of 13

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The thirteenth and fourteenth amendments to the constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. … Read more

Celia, the perfect slut

To put things into perspective, I’ll start off by introducing myself and the various characters involved in this segment of my life. My name is Ethan Parker and I am 17 years old. I am currently a junior attending high school in a northern US state. I am goal oriented and a bit hyperactive and … Read more

The Young Wizard–Part 1

This story was posted several years ago and was removed from the site because it originally described sexual activities between under-aged teens. It was written to be a coming-of-age story and I wasn’t thrilled when it was deleted because there was nothing pedophilic about it. However, I don’t own the site so I don’t make … Read more

Times in my Life : Part One

My first attempt at erotic fiction. Constructive criticisms welcome. Preamble: I lived with sexually active parents, and my mother was an “at-home” indoor nudist. Dad had a life-time subscription to Playboy and Penthouse magazines. I started looking at the back-issues I found in boxes in the attic. After years of seeing my mother naked I … Read more