Breast Milk Masochism

Jennifer’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her … Read more

“Joy” Ridin’

The first half of the story is true, but I added in the second half. Enjoy! I had just spent the week at parent’s house in Florida, helping them do some renovations and getting a much-needed break from school. It was a sunny, bright, Sunday afternoon and I was cruising down the interstate. I started … Read more

Wife Pimped

My wife, Teresa and I are a middle to upper class white suburbian couple. We lived in a high class part of town and cohabitated in a luxury apartment. However we found ourselves in a very unfortunate situation. We both were unemployed and because we were early in our marriage and both coming out of … Read more

The Tea Party

Being a rich Georgian socialite, I didn’t have the need to work like the common people of the world. I found myself spending most of my days attending various events like gallery openings and mid-afternoon tea parties, which made my life extremely dull. One Saturday afternoon my bore of a husband suggested that I go … Read more

Role Reversal

“So what do you look for in a woman” she said. “Well physically, slim, brunette, tight bum, sexy legs, boobs not too big. Apart from that, good fun, likes to laugh, easy to get along with, sense of humour. You know, the usual stuff!!” “Ah, ok, so are you saying that cause that describes me … Read more

My Sexy Tenants Pt II

It is a Thursday evening around 8pm. A work meeting ran late and I didn’t feel like cooking so I decided to order a pizza. I’m starving at this point. Before I pick up the phone, I decide to go upstairs to see if Yasmin or Diana is home so I could ask if they … Read more


I came home from shopping. We girls love to shop and I had been gone for 3 hours. I walked into my bedroom and I smelled two things. Cum and my sons aftershave. Two things I actually enjoy. I had to investigate. I carefully went around sniffing everything. I found the strong cum smell on … Read more

Yes Master-1

I rolled over in my bed, staring intently at the alarm perched on my night stand. 11:59. I sucked in a quick gasp, “Almost there” I whispered to myself. Just then the clock it 12:00 AM. I rolled out of bed and quietly went around the house. Checking first on my older sister, then on … Read more