The Innocent Neighbor Girl Part III: Someone came home.

After I heard the car door shut, I thought about turning and running home. But I figured it wouldn’t do any good, because Nok was still on the ground, freaking out about me cumming in her. I stood there wondering who it was and if they would come back here right away. “Nok, where are … Read more

Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 2: Feeding

CHAPTER 2: FEEDING The next day, Claire walked into the containment room pushing a cart full of some sort of equipment. “Good morning to you,” she said cheerfully. “You’ll pardon me if I don’t get up,” Gruthsorik grumbled from the bunk. “No, that’s fine, in fact it would be helpful if you laid still for … Read more

Arriving at The Johnson’s

I was at the state home for four long days. It is amazing how fast you get accustomed to something. I had never before had to work, I had never before had responsibilities, I had never before had a family that cared about me, until the Benson’s. The food at the state home was awful … Read more

Motel Week Ending 2

Please note the following story tags: Incest, Creampie, Consensual Sex, Oral Sex, Stripping, Hardcore, Panties, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Young Teens, Male/Female, Sleep, First Time. *** Motel Week Ending 2 “What if you knocked up your sister?” That was the exact thought that had been on Newlyn’s mind for the past two weeks. The thought permeated his … Read more

Neighbors Come Home

Growing up, I lived in a pretty nice neighborhood. The crime rate was low and everything was ascetically pleasing. Large trees lined the front yards of most houses, though there wasn’t a ton of room between each property. Because of this, most of the playing had to be done in the street, which was fine … Read more

Masturbating with Amy, Chapter One

Masturbating with Amy, Chapter One Amy and I had known each other for several years and had never been particularly close, but were always friendly. We became friends when we both ran cross country as freshmen in high school. We were in some of the same classes and had similar interests, but mostly our personalities … Read more

Me and my Rampant Rabbit

My husband used to work away a lot a few years ago and this true story is from when he was away for a month. I left out the frustrations of the previous two weeks as it appears readers want action more than narrative so this is a short story. Enjoy! =============================================================== It had arrived! … Read more

Hermione Granger, Chapter 3: Unexpected Assistance

Hermione had been gone much longer than the previous evening and both of her dorm mates were apparently already asleep. She couldn’t believe what had just happened to her. She thought she must be in shock because normally she would be crying and panicking about getting in trouble. Now though, she felt oddly calm. She … Read more

Spying On My Stepsister As She Changes

Spying On My Stepsister As She Changes By rutger5 (An Original Story – Copyright 2012) “Oh my God Bobby, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You get your perv ass down from there now and bring those jerks with you and if any of you think about running just remember I know where … Read more

Forbidden View – Part 1 – Intro

Cindy and I had been seeing each other for a while. A divorced mom with two older daughters, she’d begun to shed her sexually repressed past more and more as our relationship continued to unfold. These events take place after the “Mother’s Indecent Gift” story, as she continued to embrace her desire to submit and … Read more

Teaching my sister 1

Yesterday night, after coming home from the Physician, I had time to reflect on this bad experience of mine, there is a problem, that is I’m the one that manages the animals, all of them, my sister Laura does none of it as she’s busy helping father with the crops. One thing I have to … Read more

Benji and His Big Tongue (2)

I was a horny teenager with lots of urges needing met. Hormones raging through my young teenage body making me horny as hell and wanting to play with my pussy at every opportunity to get that sweet feeling of relief. Some days I would rub my clit and orgasm 6 times from morning until bedtime! … Read more

Brothers Love_(1)

My brother and me have always been pretty close, you know, like most brothers. Basically if it where not for the age difference we would be even closer. im Andrew, im 14. im tall, slim body, average build for my age I guess. I have kina like my own version of the haircut that Justin … Read more

How it all began_(1) by

How it All Began Chapter 1 I found him in an online kinky chat room, he seemed nice and friendly, his name was John, we got to chatting, and he told me he worked as computer programer in London and spent most of his time at home working at programming and managing the computer network … Read more

The Pendant 4

The Pendant Chapter Four The next day there were two things different. One was that Bobby and I started hanging out independently of Jake and Mike. We would say hi and stuff to them but then keep going. The other thing was that Bobby kept giving me this smile like we were sharing a secret. … Read more