Jessica, p.1

It was the first time that my dad had remarried. She seemed nice at first, but then she turned out like most stepmothers do: heartless bitches. At least there was one good comfort. She had a pretty good-looking daughter that was two years younger than me. My name is Brian. I was 14 years old, … Read more

Thinking about him…

As I lay in bed, I think about him..his muscular arms wrapped tightly around my naked body, his lips touching mine firmly as we share a passionate kiss, and the way he teases me before making me cum so hard for him. Fuck, he is amazing. As I get deeper into these naughty thoughts, I … Read more

Tica’s study of sex

“Puter, why am I panting in the simulation?” Tica asked, looking with interest at the shuttle wall where human mating was simulated by the shuttle computer. “The female is approaching orgasm, the reaction is natural,” Puter’s voice sounded through the speakers. Carla woke with a start and stared at the screen where her young daughter, … Read more

Panties for Sale? Chapter 7

Panties for Sale? Chapter 7 “We.” she announced, plopping down at the kitchen table and grabbing her boots. “Are going out for lunch. And then we’re going shopping.” I had just finished getting dressed and had come walking back into the kitchen. After we had both gotten cleaned up I had mentioned making some late … Read more

A Day In The Woods_(0)

Intro: Joshua and Jacob have been best friends since 3rd grade. Being in 7th grade now, neither have really had any gay feelings for each other, but one day they decide to go hiking, and they find themselves in a rather unexpected position “Dude, I’m so bored, you don’t have any fun games! We should … Read more

While Mom and Dad Were Gone

First time, go easy please. 🙂 “Kasey, we’ll see you in a few hours. Please take good care of your brother.” called Kasey’s mom as she began closing the door to the garage. “I know, Mom……bye.” she replied. Gosh, she thought, Why did they have to choose today to meet with a client? It seems … Read more

Jake Pleases His Pregnant Wife Melody (Episode 1)

“Ahhhhhhh!” Shouts a young Mrs. Housened. “It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody … Read more

Horny Gym Teacher Got Mother and I

Kaylie had just pulled her sweater over her truly miraculous chest and was smoothing her pleated skirt across her heavy thighs when Payson stopped in front of her locker and whispered, “I don’t know why, but your mom is in Mrs. Tanner’office and they want to see you right away!!!” “My mom, here,” Kaylie asked … Read more

Cock Pictures 5

Another site member’s story… “Welcome to my first blog entry. I’ve been on this site for a year or so, but I just had a change of heart about something and I want to share it. “I’ve always thought the idea of sucking a man’s cock until he cums was very hot, and I did … Read more

Extortion So Sweet

Extortion So Sweet Kev Heterson was pissed. Here it was the middle of the hottest summer he’d ever experienced in his fourteen years and he was being expelled from his cushy air-conditioned bedroom. And why? So that his mom’s precious little sister could have it while she stayed with them for three weeks, scouting for … Read more

The Home Chapter 10 and 11

I woke the next morning with Sherry nestled in my arms and smiled as I thought of how much fun I had last night. The pleasure her young body gave me was incredible and my cock started getting hard as I thought about how good it felt to fuck her tight young ass. Sherry was … Read more

last day of school_(1)

Names and places changed for obvious reasons. Enjoy. Wrote in present tense. I’m Ryan; I’m thirteen and have scruffy red hair. This story takes place on the last day of my second year in high school secondary school). Amazingly I had managed to get myself a detention for lobbing a rubber at a teacher. Lol. … Read more

Twelve Days a Slave 8 of 13

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. … Read more

Bateman and Son Photography VI

Bateman and Son Photography Ch.6 Disclaimer: This story involves sex between men and teens, and teens and teens. It will eventually contain some pretty severe humiliation and punishment scenes and probably some bondage. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it. It is just a story. None of the characters are based … Read more