How Traditions Start – part 17

How Traditions Start – part 17 An original story by Starrynight Liz walked into her bedroom, her mind still racing with everything that happened tonight. She watched Zach and Lisa having sex for the first time, big brother getting his first taste of his youngest sister’s forbidden fruit, and afterwards Liz herself ended up having … Read more


Then serendipity, Jenna, one of my lady friends phoned with a similar story, her man is away and she promised him no fucking with other men. “Why don’t you come around tomorrow night for coffee Sarah and we can commiserate and compare notes. Perhaps we can talk about and relieve our sexual frustrations? No, I … Read more

Chapter 6 – The Beach Show

When Leila woke the following morning, she felt slightly fuzzy headed from last night’s wine. Both Fallon and Jem had gone and the house was still. Fortunately for Leila it was a Saturday and she had made no plans. Unfortunately, Jake had work today. Padding naked from the bedroom, Leila went downstairs and out to … Read more

Project Gaia, Chapter 1-3

First Report We were making history on this trip. Our research team, consisting of myself and five other well qualified scientists were being shuttled to the island of Gravitta, located not far off the coast of our sister country. We sat and joted our pre-journey notes and expectations, hoping to gauge the effectiveness and tactical … Read more


“What was the first thing you noticed about him? What was his name?,” Sarah asked just as I hoped. “Glad you asked Sarah, the size of John’s shaved cock. He was huger, much bigger than me.” “So what happened, why did he approach you?” “He told me he joined the gym a few days earlier … Read more


Lucinda I saw her sheltering under the projecting canopy of the bus shelter just along from‭ “‬The Angel‭” ‬in Chatham Road.‭ ‬I was sure it was her.‭ ‬The rain was falling steadily the road glistening alternately orange in the street lights glow and gold from car headlights as the punters crawled the kerbs and I … Read more

Aunt tricked me but i loved it part 4 ( double trouble

Part 4 (double trouble) It took like 4 days but aunt eve got all her stuff moved in and our threeway relationship was starting. The transition only took so long because we were sneaking around so mom wouldn’t find us and be mad that we weren’t helping. Later that day once everything was squared away … Read more

Ostnordia at War – chapter 2

– Ostnordia at War Chapter 2 – Slaves to Lambykins – I huddled in the wrecked shell of a fast-food place in the capitol with my two daughters, 18-year old Lena and 19-year-old Elsie. The flower shop and bank across the street hadn’t fared nearly as well, being pulverized by heavy artillery. Even the bank’s … Read more

Twins Times Two

Chad was bored. With capital letters. His wife was out of town for a girls weekend and he had the kids this weekend. Two sets of twins within a year of each other left Chad and his wife Heather busy all the time. Even though the twins were 18 and 19 now, they were still … Read more

Little Sister’s First Gangbang

It was a week after my high school graduation, and my parents were away. So, of course, I threw a party. Nothing big – about 10 of us, equal parts boys and girls – and a lot of alcohol and pot. I was standing in the corner by the stairs with my girlfriend, Jenn. “Hey,” … Read more

Sibling reunion leads to new relationship

Chapter 1 : Introduction Heads up : This chapter is sll about the build up and does not have any sex in it. I can’t say I really understand why my parents wanted children, my sister, Jessica, and I spent our childhood being looked after by a continually changing line of baby sitters and child … Read more

Twins Revenge

Twins Revenge I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock … Read more

From Pine Ridge to Princess part 2

Pine Ridge Pincess Part Two The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was a bustling mass of people going about their business as a slim young woman in a tracksuit jogged along the sidewalk towards the royal palace. She took the … Read more


The only man she has ever had. “I realize now I have missed out on a lot in life. A sex life and sexual pleasure especially, I am naive when I compare with my girlfriends. They tell me my past sex life could only be described as vanilla at best. I need a man to … Read more

Sibling reunion leads to new relationship – Chapter 5

Okay this one is longer than any of the others. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Quick reminder of where we left of : Susan talks Bobby into acting in the movie. Jessie now leads her naked brother to her dressing room via the studio. Chapter 5: The movie The Stars: Marie … Read more