Julia the reluctant Dogger

All the characters hereby depicted are fictitious and not based on any UK politicians who indulge in dogging. Julia the reluctant Dogger “Dogger, Fisher, German Bight,” intoned the BBC man as he read the shipping forecast. James chuckled at the words as he carefully drove the sleek Jaguar along the winding Yorkshire road in the … Read more

The Island, Chapter 29

Chapter 29 I watched as Stu and Cristopher finally roused themselves and, after each giving Janie a parting kiss, walked back to the cubby to collect their clothing. After they had left, I worked my way through the trees to the beach. Janie propped herself on her elbow as I approached, her creampie still spread … Read more


John Timberland stretched his six foot body out as he climbed out of his car. Rubbing his blue eyes he shook his head at the scene before him. Several people were shouting at the desk clerk at the front door. Walking up the poor man looked at John with a pleading look. “What are you … Read more

Santa IV

John emerged from the opening this time at a leisurely walk. Stopping a moment he looked out past the blurriness of the edge of the time bubble they were all in. Well he thought so far so good, feeling a slight vibration he looked in the bag he was carrying.    John’s mouth dropped open, … Read more

Santa II

John Timberland was getting frustrated no matter how calm or at peace he was still nothing happened. Sighing again John tried to move the toy that was in front of him with his mind. A small smile lit up his face when it started to slightly vibrate, then nothing.   The elder from… John was … Read more

My Two Aunts Part 2

Now I was on my way into the city with Aunt Linda. My head was still reeling over last night and that morning with Aunt Dee. All I could think about was my Aunt Dee’s cunt and couldn’t wait to get back in it. While I was driving my Aunt Linda I noticed that she … Read more

Young Fun

The sun was coming up, and I was just sitting down to a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper. Sure I miss the paper aspect, but I’d still rather read the news on my iPad rather than watch and listen to those morons on the TV. Then, my phone rang… “Hello,” I answered. “Hey … Read more

Sibling reunion leads to new relationship – Chapter 2

Chapter 2 : My first time The following day Jessie started off with a full tour of her house, from the old light room at the top of the tower to the conservatory with a grand piano sitting in the morning sunlight and finally to the Jacuzzi, which overlooked the steep cliffs. Taking my hand … Read more

Familly Lessons 11

Cindy was hot to fuck both her parents at the same time after hearing about Julia’s adventure, but she also wanted to fuck Brad again, and she wanted to see her mother fucking Aunt Josie, and she wanted to fuck Uncle Mark, and maybe her cousin Phip. She wondered if Julia had fucked him yet. … Read more


Elizabeth was scared near to death, all of this was so alien to her, and the fact that they weren’t on earth any more wasn’t lost on her. Then they were actually on Nali’s home planet. Though Nali had described it in detail she was still unprepared for what she was seeing. The fact that … Read more