Love is Deaf? Part 3

Ashley’s heart was racing with anticipation. Here she was, dressed up with all the fixings for her senior prom, and she couldn’t have been happier. Finishing the final touches on her best friend Katie’s make up, the two decided that they were finally ready for the big dance. Ashley’s boyfriend Josh, and Katie’s date Alex … Read more

The Promotion

“And the prize goes to Sam Clouston, congrats,” the boss said, walking to him. “Sam, you’re now the new manager of state sales,” he said, shaking his hand too. “Thank you, Mr. Lanon,” Sam added. I crossed my arms and scoffed. “And what did Sam do to deserve that promotion? I know I worked my … Read more

a sister turns to her brother to show her how good sex can be

Its Tuesday night, my 23 year old sister is out on her hen night, she’s marrying Tony on Saturday, they have a home to move into when they return from their honeymoon, dad, being into property development got the house cheep at the auctions and for the last year we’ve been fixing it up, he … Read more

Mary, or sex in the afternoon

Mary With the episode of the threesome with Carol and Andy fresh in my mind, I rang the bell at Carol’s flat. ‘Hi Carol’, I said into the mic, ‘It’s David’ ‘Come on up.’ She replied and hearing the buzzer sound I pushed the door open and walked into the lobby. She lived in a … Read more

Online Meet Up

So one day I’m just browsing on PornHub bored. Im just looking for new people to talk to as things had gotten a little stale. I scroll to the community page and see a post from a girl talking about how she needs new snapchat friends as the ones she currently had weren’t getting the … Read more

Sheer Envy part 1: Things that go bump in the night

*This is my first story, I hope to write more if people like it* “Could you please wear a bra when my dads around?” Tara asked. The question wasn’t directed at me, of course. I’m the conservative one. The innocent one. No, the question was directed at Claire. “Why?” the blonde girl asked. We all … Read more

Godless and Faithless Chapter 5

The lack of refugees to take care of and the addition of a map eased their travel. Rayner had gotten the map from the refugees. He had to buy it, and Axel thought they should have given it to them for free as a thank you for saving them. Rayner insisted the refugees were not … Read more

Bringing in Migrants,

Bringing in Migrants, How Stumpy got his nick name It was that dark bit of the night just afore dawn, you couldn’t see sod all which suited we just fine. The slight sea swell rocked our boat the “Fair Maid” as we approached the land and the engine just burbled on tick over as we … Read more

Memorial Daze Part Five

“Rob I’m going to trust you with my car, get Peter to the hospital while i make sure this thing knows what she’s done!” Sneering at me through clinched teeth. I’m shaking at his threat to Sherry, knowing if it does become true that I’m the reason for it. Oh why couldn’t I just let … Read more

Godless and Faithless Chapter 2

Rayner and Axel had distanced themselves from the Inimi and the coalition forces. They had traveled for most of the day and nightfall was coming. Axel had not spoken since they left, not even telling him why they left or where they were going. Rayner worried for his friend. Axel talked tough, but Rayner knew … Read more

A boy, or A girl? part 2

Day 4 of a new and differnet begging…… Floating and floating…it seemed it would never end. I slowly realized I was waking up but it seemed as if I just couldn’t open my eyes. I thought I must be floating on a cloud. A voice said, Its time to wake up Samantha. Who was Samantha? … Read more

Butcher Babies and the X-Rated Show by

It was just two weeks after the female-fronted metal band Butcher Babies ended their nationwide tour opening for Marilyn Manson. The tour had been a huge success—on the surface, at least. True, most of the venues had had either sold out or come very close to the mark, but partway into the tour it became … Read more

Liz Beck

Liz Beck “Liz Beck,” I exclaimed when I saw here. She came around from behind the counter and gave me a big hug. “How have you been?” she asked. “Not bad and how about you?” “OK, just working.” Let me give a little history here. Liz Beck had worked for Dr. Parson for as long … Read more

Godless and Faithless Chapter 1

Axel should have known the line in the school cafeteria would be especially long. It was the first time in weeks that they would be served organic food instead of the usual lab-grown servings. A dozen students were ahead of him and he didn’t feel like wasting the remainder of his lunchtime, opting to grab … Read more

Lady Rochester Ravished

Lady Rochester – Ravished I had been in South America for a bit making a few quid doing a bit of surveying like, but I got homesick and when I heard of this estate and mansion up for grabs at a knock down price I couldn’t resist. Time to put me feet up an enjoy … Read more

Rob’s Girls

Jesse heard the doorbell ring and knew that is was Rob, come to pick her up for their date. She was still in the shower, one towel wrapped around her hair, another around her otherwise naked body. “Want me to get that for you?” her sister Jill asked, poking her head in as the bell … Read more