Ellen’s Outer Banks Gangbang

One early summer morning I was working on a freight-forwarding issue where the firm we’d hired to arrange for a cargo movement had screwed up royally. I was so thoroughly concentrating on the matter that I was startled when the phone on my desk rang. It was Bobby and I could almost anticipate what was … Read more

Animal Behaviour Part Two

August 24/2017 00:46 Hrs Bush Country, Kruger National Park The hyenas are creeping closer. The sound of the motor even closer. From the bush more glowing eyes can be seen. Fervently praying to the gods above that the sound of the motor was the guys looking for me, more prayers that they find me before … Read more

A Wife’s Fantasy

Allessandra lay awake in their bed. Thoughts raced through her head. The one idea that kept returning was, what’s wrong with me? Alessandra had always found older men attractive. The man lying next to her was over 20 years her senior. She cared for him deeply, and he adored her. He had provided her with … Read more

DIary of a Pain Whore – Chapter 4

Chapter 4 That was the beginning of our lives together, from that night on we began eating together and sleeping together. Rules were established and my boundaries were set, he told me he would trust me to be part of his life as long as I always obeyed him. He even let me start working … Read more

The Unspeakable [Parts 1, 2, 3]

First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos – I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one hand. A minute ago, I was sitting at my desk to write this, but I ended up clicking on the file of pics we took on the … Read more

Squeak! Squeak!” Sounds of a Good Whore!!!”

Squeak! Squeak!” Sounds of a good Whore!!!” It was a dark Friday evening, just a little passed 10pm. I had been sitting in my patrol car all night. I looked around outside. I could see a light out above the old gas station. It was your typical slow boring, small town night. I had moved … Read more

Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 2: Mommy Slut Orgy

In the shipping department of The Institute of Apotheosis Research, Ulrich Geller threw his mom down across the sorting table, his hands ripping up her tight pencil skirt. The short, black-haired women moaned and wiggled as she squirmed. “I… I have to become a slut, don’t I?” his mother asked. She ran the shipping department … Read more


Prologue The conversation was carried on in a language few people would have been able to understand, let alone speak. Translated into colloquial American English, it might have sounded something like this: “But it is possible? Originally you said it could not be accomplished at all.” “Possible, yes. Feasible — who knows? It is a … Read more

Rachel’s Night Out

Rachel’s Night Out Rachel stood in front of the mirror in her room. Looking at herself in the mirror, she wished that she didn’t look so young. In her school uniform and being so short, not even 5 feet tall yet, she barely looked her actual age of 16. It hadn’t been a week since … Read more

Jodi’s Story Part 5

Jodi’s Story Chapter 5 Adding Bob Jodi and I shared a blissful week after Phillips visit. We enjoyed evenings watching our video of the Saturday night fun. After watching for a short while we would be so worked up we’d attack each other. I joked that I should take her in the spare room and … Read more

My Wonderful Wife

Danielle and I actually met online during my senior year of high school. We talked for eight months before we met. Over that time we fell in love with each other. To this day I still love her. The first time we met in person I could tell she was the one that I wanted … Read more

Debi and the Boys, Part 2

Ding! ‘That was so fucking hot!’ Kyle texted back. ‘I can’t wait till you get home. I need a good fucking.’ Debi responded, and she meant it. Even though she came twice on the vibrator, she was in need of a real cock to completely satisfy her. She looked at her bikini laying on the … Read more


The night was still. The breeze barely rustled the leaves on the trees. The sound of the stream trickling between the rocks 500 metres away was clearly audible. The sky was clear and the moon shone its silvery light far across the meadows and hills. Suddenly I heard a cry, “Help!” somewhere in the distance. … Read more

Players Trickbook_(0)

A little about me…. I am a big sexter, I enjoy sexting with females and telling sexual stories, and before i discovered this, I enjoyed writing through out my life and after reading many stories on here over the years I decided to take my first crack at this. Please constructively critizice the Hell out … Read more