Training Samantha Part 2

Training Samantha part 2. The bathroom was quite exquisite and absolutely huge. Every surface gleamed white except some fittings cast in crystal clear high strength acrylic material. One wall was just a huge mirror. The floor shone with polished tiles, shower heads protruded from the ceiling seemingly randomly, bidets and lavatories and even a crystal … Read more

Jean’s Story

Chapter 1 : Introduction, London, the 25th “And you are quite certain that you don’t want to add any further conditions or qualifications, you’re happy with things as agreed ?” “I am. Now if you don’t want my custom Mr Smith” “I’m sorry Mrs Devereux, I have to be sure. I do hope that you … Read more

Michelle #2

TWO Michelle & Luka After my ordeal with Sally and Luka I had to get out of there. I couldn’t believe what happened. I went straight home and took a long hot shower and went to bed. I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t get the images of that afternoon out of my head. Before … Read more

The Great O Race

Karen grunted as she worked through her last set, dropping the weight with a triumphant slam as she exceeded her target rep range. She was two years removed from her Freshman Fifteen entrance into college, and had quietly worked her way into tremendous shape as she finished up her junior year at college. Karen was … Read more

Doris in the open

My next door neighbour Jack has a young wife called Doris who is part oriental, small and petite, barely 5′ tall, with a very pretty face that has that sexy mixed race look, and a slender but curvy little body. Jack has developed a desire for seeing her used by a range of people of … Read more

Waves Part Two

Coming too once more, this time I the very hospital that I was in yesterday morning when this investigation started. The difference now a nurse in a uniform that definitely was too tight on her was holding my left wrist, checking my pulse. Noticing i’m awake “Well detective Gorwin we were wondering when you come … Read more

Predatrix Two: Revenge and Betrayal

Grabbing his arm a bit too tightly, Jane marched him to her office. This was bad, Michael, thought. This was the fucking worst. The woman of his dreams, Jane Abbott, had caught him having sex with one of his student’s mothers. He gulped as he nervously tried to keep up with her pace. The passers-by … Read more

Not as innocent as she appeared

It was a lovely summer’s day. The sun shone and the birds sang as I stepped out on to the terrace of my country house. Below me lawns and gardens stretched down to our little lake. Groups of mature ladies and their daughters stood around chatting aimlessly as Mother had arranged a soiree of many … Read more


“My name is Rudi. I am a black African from a former French colony. I had a black mother and a French father so I have many French aspects to me. Especially the French penchant for kinky sex. I have lived in Switzerland for many years. I am at your disposal if you so desire. … Read more

Tiny Little Sex Dreams

When I was a child my mother remarried. Her new husband was not fond of my father, I have several dominating features of his, and so it was somehow decided that I would go live somewhere else. I lived with a family that had a set of twins that were 6 years older than me, … Read more

Carole’s Story 12 – Our Son’s Wedding and Honeymoon

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down … Read more

April-part 1

April- part 1 My new wife becomes a plaything for my Son and his friends. I laughed out loud as my beautiful young wife sashayed into out bedroom in just her underwear, The lacy black bra cupped her C cup breasts hardly needing the support the tiny bit of material offered, her long smooth legs … Read more

No Mercy for Doris

Every so often my neighbour Jack asks a special friend to call round. This is a retired stage magician and hypnotist called Joe, and the reason Jack calls him is for Joe to practice his skills on Jack’s lovely young wife, Doris, who is a very pretty girl, very small and slim, and very sexy. … Read more

Doris Fucks Lucy

My neighbour Jack has a very sexy and attractive young wife, Doris, who is half Chinese and very small and slim, only about five feet tall. She has a very neat, curvy figure, with small high set tits, slender legs, a nicely rounded bottom, and a very appealing smile. My very good fortune is that … Read more