Teacher’s Pet (part 2)

3 I did feel a little guilty as I sat up my laptop, connecting it to our two monitors in our den. We kept two monitors because it came in handy, allowing us to have multiple screens for some of the work we each do. I knew that most of the time, David and Emily … Read more

Broken Little Thing: Chapter 2

Ava’s words were still ringing inside my brain, “I’m all yours.” After a while, she didn’t shake anymore. She was still hugging me, her face snuggling comfortably on my neck while I remained lying on top of her. With my weight pressing her against the sofa, I could feel every single movement of her little … Read more

Naked girl’s week outside at cold weather: Part 1, introduction and Day 1 by

After being 8,5 hours without a break outside naked on the coldest day of the last 25 years, 15-year old beauty Marlene started to figure out, what to do next. After that cold day in National Park, Marlene was astonished, how well she resist to the harsh weather. Later, after she had dressed and sitting … Read more

A Young Girl’s Adventures with Rape – Part Three

Time seemed to slow, as he crunched across the gravel towards me. Whoever he was, I could hear his boots grinding against the dirt, his tread loud and heavy. He sounded big. He sounded really big. “What are you doing here, hun?” He said, stopping in front of me. My heart beat faster in my … Read more

Fucking Teagan Part 5 by

Fucking Teagan – Part 5 (A back story in Teagan’s words) “I don’t really remember my father. What little I do recall, are more like dream fragments than actual memories. Oh, I have seen photographs, but those are stills, not memories. Dad disappeared from my life when I was barely three years old. No, he … Read more

Exactly What It Looks Like

“I’m heading to the store, you need anything?” Erin asked as she walked toward the door of our apartment. “No, sis, I’m fine,” I replied, wanting to get her out the door as quickly as possible. “Alright, I’ll be back later,” and with that, her auburn locks disappeared out the door. I listened closely for … Read more


Sheepshaggin’ Hi, I’m Jethro, I’m twenty years old and I live with my parents and two younger sisters on one of the small islands off the east coast. Although, to be truthful, that’s where I used to live, as I’m currently spending most of my days on the mainland, attending university. But the island will … Read more

Dating Danielle – Part II

This is the second in a multi-part series about a young girl who discovers sex with an older male father-figure and the slut that dwells inside is born and of course the father-figure nurtures it along. For context you should go back and read “Dating Danielle” it was posted three times as I tried to … Read more

My Girlfriend’s Daughter Makes A Move

My Girlfriend’s Daughter Makes A Move By rutger5 (An Original Story-Copyright 2013) It was a dark and stormy night when there was a small fire in the apartment above mine. Unfortunately by the time it was put out my place sustained significant water damage which made it temporarily unlivable until repaired. The landlord hemmed and … Read more

House Slave on Hopkins Plantation 2

This is my story, please give credit where credit is due. Thank you and enjoy…I am thinking about writing more. Johncrinshaw1 October 19, 1861 Wilmington, North Carolina Planter James Hopkins Plantation Defiantly, she looks directly at me as if gauging my level of charge. Without even a sound she abruptly steps on the wagon rung … Read more

Marks history, part 6

Chapter VI, Marks history The kids can’t get enough of their mom and dad. Later that night. Susan Fourteen year old Susan woke in the dark with someone in her bed. Her arm was over a man’s chest. She was waking from an unremembered dream and not fully into reality yet. She felt herself cuddling … Read more

I Had No Choice 2

So here I am again. Tuesday afternoon and High School kids all getting on their buses to head home. I, being a math teacher, am heading out to my car, ready for my regular study session with Becky Whitmore. She’s a senior this year, and apart from being a very smart and attractive, had photoshopped … Read more

Too Perfect to Pass Up [Chapter One]

Julia and I started dating about six months after my second marriage went down the tubes. She was pretty, funny, smart, and independent, and I really just enjoyed her company. The sex was good, and her body was in decent shape. She was a year younger than me, at 36, and carried her age very … Read more

Sandy ‘n Candy

When I first saw my sister I was completely stunned by her beauty. The second time I saw her, she showed me her full D cup tits. Then, on our first date, we kissed. Okay, perhaps I should explain. Growing up, my father was always in and out of my life. He would be around … Read more