In Riley’s Arms: Part 3

“Don’t be mad, okay?” “Holly… no. Tell me you didn’t.” “He asked me out, what was I supposed to say?” “How about ‘no’ for starters?” “Riley, I’m seventeen. Don’t you think I’m old enough to go on a real date?” “A real date, yes. With him? No. Absolutely not, and your brother would more than … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Ch 5

DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story … Read more

European Nightmare Part VI

Flickering on the wall in an eerie intermittent glow like some bizarre puppet show, a dark figure twisted and jerked in mid-air, dancing a strange jig as the candle’s light moved with every draught. The room’s almost dead silence, save for the occasional creak or whimper, made the movement even more odd, disjointed and unhuman. … Read more

The Good, The Bad and the Molly – Chapter Seven

“I think that just about does it.” I confidently stated as I inspected my work. I prodded the wooden frame staring down at me and nodded. “Yup, we’re good. I think the mattress can go back on now.” “Are you sure?” Molly asked me, arms close to her chest in hesitation. I rolled my eyes, … Read more

it started with my mom 4

My mother pleasantly smiled and replied “ohh not at all”, and moved away from the door and said, “Please come on in” then turning to me she smiled. .”Honey can you help them with the bags?”, I slowly nodded and walked passed them as I I went to the car and picked the four remaining … Read more

IHNC 7.5 – Cats out of Bags and against Doors

IHNC 7.5 – Cats out of Bags and against Doors (These events are from the viewpoint of Becky Whitman, the student/pregnant adulteress of Edward Font) Yesterday Lisa told me about her near-rape by Mr. Pressman. That asshole was going down. I hadn’t known Lisa very well until I though she wanted to hit on Mr. … Read more

Sneaking in to Connor’s Room

“shh Lindsey you’ll wake your brother!” Kathryn Pierce scolded her 9 year old daughter as they crept into 13 year old Connor’s room. “Sorry Mom!” Lindsey whispered as she opened the door slowly and quietly tip toed inside. 10 min earlier “Mom, what’s a boner?” Lindsey asked “where did you hear that” wondered Kathryn “some … Read more

The Upper Floor_(1)

The Upper Floof I was minding my own business in my club, on the upper floor you understand, the one reserved for gentlemen. I was relaxing after dinner, reading the evening newspaper. Whiling away the time until supper, It was the year the Titanic sank, 1912. Leather chairs and oak panels, the smell of tobacco … Read more

How Traditions Start – part 5

How Traditions Start – part 5 An original story by Starrynight. Enjoy: Presley woke up to a cold white winter morning. She opened her eyes and peered outside through the window at the snow-covered farm. It took a few seconds for the memories of the previous night to pop into her mind. She was not … Read more