Surprise in the park.

It was getting late and I had spent the evening fishing in Mission Bay. I had done OK and caught three calico bass and a legal sized halibut. I knew that they would soon be locking up the bathrooms for the night so I beached my 14 foot boat on the shore and headed for … Read more

A Road Trip with My Grand Daughter-Part III

I continued to cuddle my grand daughter Kristy, long after I had brought her to orgasm. I couldn’t believe how hard she had made it. I had never seen a woman orgasm as hard as I had made it for Kristy. No wonder she had collapsed into an unconscious state. We were in my motor … Read more

A Road Trip with My Grand Daughter-Part II

I didn’t sleep well that night. My mind was in a constant battle with itself. One part of it basked in the excitement of my newly discovered attraction for my, soon to be, 14 year-old grand daughter and the other part was furious over what I had just allowed my desires to do to her. … Read more

Abby’s Erotic Assignment

I had been at my middle school for several years and had built up a reputation of challenging my students intellectually, especially in the area of dramatic literature. Many students went on to a city-wide high school that was exceptional . . . even noteworthy nation-wide. One of those students . . . Abby was … Read more

The Capturing Chapter 1

A knock at the door broke Alex’s concentration on his paperwork and he looked up. “Yes?” His personal assistant, Miles, opened the large oak door and stepped into Alex’s office, a white folder stuffed with papers in his hands. “Evening Miles,” Alex said, putting his pen down. “I have all the material you asked for,” … Read more

Fucking Mr. Shapiro.

Walking into Mr. Talbot’s room, I hitched my backpack farther up on my shoulders, before reaching and tugging my black-and-orange plaid mini-skirt further down over my thighs. I surveyed the room, and, seeing no one, plopped down into the desk closest to the teacher’s and pulled my notebook and math book from my backpack. Pulling … Read more

Unwanted attention – Chapter 16

Chapter 16 I got home and went in my room to cool off a bit and change out of my bathing suit which was getting a bit uncomfortable as it was tight and was digging into my skin. I started with the top first since that was where the most discomfort was coming from. As … Read more

Broken Birds, Part 17, A New Beginning

Part 17 A New Beginning The birth seemed almost anti-climactic. Rafaela endured eight hours of pain to hold her daughter to her breast. Following the birth, Jennifer took the opportunity to repair some of the vaginal damage from the long ago rapes. Rafaela would be as tight as when she first met Michael. Mother, daughter, … Read more

My Savior

My Savior Talitha had been struggling with a secret that she had been keeping hidden from everyone, including her family. For years, her father had been sexually abusing her, and she had never found the courage to speak out. She recognized that she was wrought with depression and plagued with inner demons that caused her … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 2 – Meeting Ass-hoka Tano Part 2

Story Codes: Mf, f-mast, cream pie, hp, grope, spank Star Wars: The Restricted Files Part 2 – Meeting Ass-hoka Tano Part 2 “Hey Dad… Where’s Chewie?” asked a flustered Anakin Solo as he and his fifteen year old sister, Jaina, walked into the family’s living room to find their father rooting through the cushions on … Read more

Broken Birds, Part 21, Nita

Part 21 Nita Michael saw it coming, “I told you once Honey, I could never refuse you.” “Even though I fucked and sucked a dog.” “Honey, that makes no difference to me. It was his way of humiliating you, of breaking you. Miguel was sick. I hope he burns for eternity. He did it to … Read more