High School Hypnotist

High School Hypnotist (Mf, MC, School) Story Summary – Brad Taylor enjoys his work as a high school guidance counselor and hypnotist. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The … Read more

In Plain Sight: An Escort’s Story – Part 4

— In Plain Sight: An Escort’s Story – Part 4 — As Kayla and I walked out of Mr. Keller’s house and toward a brand new Black Mercedes Benz 500SL glimmering in the driveway I started to realize that my life was about to change. I’m sure that some people will argue the change wasn’t … Read more

The Forbidden Fruit

The following story was written as a continuation of a story I published on this website a month ago named: Young Slave Whore. An anonymous comment inspired me to write this story. If you haven’t read the first story, I would advise you to do so (it’s not essential though.) Either way, I must say: … Read more

Star Wars: The Restricted Files – Chapter 5 – Evaluations

“Jacen… Gimme back my panties!” shouted Jaina as she ran from the bathroom wearing her red tube top, short red leather skirt, and long white leggings. Jaina found herself in the peculiar situation of not having any panties to wear due to her pervert of a twin brother stealing them right out from under her … Read more

Powers to Control from an Artifact

I was new to this sleepy little town. I had moved here from the Midwest and now found myself in a quiet little town where everyone knew everyone else’s business. News spread quickly around town that a stranger had moved into the old Mason Mansion on the knoll overlooking the entire town below. I was … Read more

My Amazing Mason 5

I’m going to the time that I actually did what I wanted to do, something that I only fantasized about every single night for six months. But before I do that, I have to like, fill you in on everything that happened between the day I went and saw him in his ambulance and stuff. … Read more

Sadistic Predator and the Preachers Kid 1 Just Fishing

Michael was in his mid 40s. He was amazed and relieved to be in his new country and his new community in a place that somewhat reminded him of his homeland Germany. Now he was in Tennessee close to the mountains he loved and more importantly in the country away from any big city and … Read more

The New Teacher II

“C’mon, Jacob. Just calm down and just say it.” Standing in my bathroom, just about to finish my daily morning clean-up routine, I leaned on my sink and gave my reflection in the mirror a stern look. Ever since yesterday, the only thought that had consistently been on my mind was Cicily, her gang of … Read more

My Girl_(0)

There she was. 16 years old, all grown up. I hadn’t seen her in ages. The one I knew I wanted to spend my entire life with. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Our relationship was a weird one. I was 5 years older than her. My brother and her brother were friends in primary school and that’s how I … Read more

Uncle Mike Returns

“Mom, I don’t want to go to bed. I’m 18, I can make my own bedtime.” I sat stubbornly on the couch waiting for her to give in. “Mickey, this is not under discussion. You live in my house you do as I say. I’m still your mother. I don’t care what age you are.” … Read more

Checking out Dad’s Presents after Christmas

Checking out Dad’s Presents after Christmas Written by Stifflittlepoints It started out innocently enough. Tammy was looking under the tree at what everyone had received the day before . . . for Christmas. Her Dad was reading the paper in his robe, having just taken a shower . . . minus his underwear but was … Read more

Little House

She feared it would be a waste of time, but Nikki finally acceded to Jake’s suggestion they tour the new “Haunted House” he’d visited with some of his other friends. It wasn’t the sort of thing that interested her, but Jake wanted to do it, so here she was. She wanted to wait for Sara, … Read more

Lindsey: An unlikely Romance Part 8

Chapter 8 I woke the next morning feeling like a new man. My cock was sore but I felt like I could take on the world. I was absolutely in love. In the shower I kept getting text alerts. I got dried off and picked my phone it was Lindsey. Lindsey : Oh my god! … Read more