Up North With Becky

It was August and we were all going up to Montegue again for the weekend. Me, my sister, Sandy, Becky. Sandy’s parents had a summer cottage in Montegue and my sister and I went there all the time. Often we would stay on the sofa or porch. This time though, we actually planned on camping … Read more

“RUNAWAY” Chapter 12 “Date Night”

Sammi woke up twice during the night sitting up crying and it woke Joseph up both times. He just said to her, “It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re safe.” He even noticed she was trembling. He just rubbed her back softly till she laid back down then he repeated, “You’re safe.” Somehow they both managed to … Read more


I want to make a confession, when I wrote “Moving In” I was inspired by a story by Daddycums. I borrowed the house he created for the Primdales as an inspiration for a house I used. My hat is off to Daddycums for his expertise. He is in my opinion possibly the best writer on … Read more

RUNAWAY Chapter 19 “Toke and Relax”

She woke when she felt him bring the truck to a stop glad she wasn’t still in her nightmare and after looking through the windshield saw they were once again in another rest stop. “I see you are awake Sleeping beauty. Time for a stop, smoke and a couple hours of sleep don’t you think … Read more

Caught Parking II: Alex Follows Jim Home

The comment section has been restricted to members only due to spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Caught Parking II: Alex Follows Jim Home From the time Alex walked out of the warehouse security office where I work, she was all I could think of. Would … Read more

Memories of A Mortician Part 1

INTRODUCTION I have been interested in dead bodies since I was very young. I have no idea how it started but I enjoy the sight of beautiful dead female corpses. I believe I am what doctors call a necrophiliac though I never had the chance to get near any dead bodies until I was 20. … Read more


It was an average summers day in England in the year of our lord 1799. The rain had stopped briefly and the sun had broken through the clouds to bathe the hills in its golden glow. Our Carriage splashed along at little better than a jog as the horses laboured with our overloaded carriage. Miss … Read more


This story is complete fiction. Note: Consenting adults acting out fantasies on the other hand, writing stories of imaginary events (like this one), or discussing these topics with others; is quite all right, and entertaining as well. by Morbidream ————————————————————————— It all started innocently. As they say, “the road to hell is paved with good … Read more

Hannah – Runaway Teen

Please rate and comment (Blonde Teen Hannah is at cheer leading practice texting her older male friend Jim about getting together later). “Hey, howz practice.” Asked Jim. “Like boring, can’t wait to see U. U were the greatest. Best Ever.” “For me too Hannah.” “I’ll call my Mom now. Tell her I am going to … Read more

Part three Anya’a Desire

(Sorry about the spelling and grammar, hopefully you understand enough to get the story lol 🙂 ) Part three Anya’s Desire It had been a month since the faithful day Anya had been ‘raped’ by James, since then she felt like she had been in a great big bubble of happiness. Each day James drove … Read more