The unexspected

It was my first time gazing a pond his beautiful grayish-green eyes, cherry lips and his jelled back slightly spiked hair. He stood in front of my window where he had first showed up when I had first met him. Yamani was his name and I choked on saying it, big time. Trying so hard … Read more

Summer Storm

It was hot. I was driving across the desert from New Mexico to California along some of the longest loneliest roads in the Southwest. Every hour or so we would see warning signs, “No water or gas for the next 50 miles.” I had been sent on a rescue mission by my mother from our … Read more

Poor in new world

I’m 40 years old, my name is Tom. I have my own business. This is my happiness because it is hard to earn decent money these days. Most people are poor to an extreme level. Most families live in small rooms that cannot be called home. Many live in tents. I don’t know why it … Read more

Phone Sex_(0)

I love phone sex. I cant even remember the age it started, but I do know, I was really young on the partyline talking to grown ass men. They had to know I wasn’t 30 years old like I said I was. I probably sounded no older than the young teenager I really was. I … Read more

Hedonasia Ep 4

EPISODE 4 – The Slave The waves beat furiously against the cliffs on that stormy night muted by the sound of rolling thunder. The wind was strong and there wasn’t a soul in sight for miles. Except one. She had walked all the way from her village, almost in a daze, like she was being … Read more

Dave finds a book full story so far

Since David’s dad passed away last year, David had been rebinding old books and selling them to help build a college fund. The life insurance had paid off the house so his Mom’s job was keeping them afloat just fine. “David,” she called, “come help with this box of books I got at the church … Read more

Fantasy in Fiction

Humidity oppressed the night and hazed the stars in the sky; the near full moon plating every surface in silver leaf. The tiny town square had the look of an abandoned movie set, forgotten until the actors returned to give it life again. Brick buildings no taller than two stories stood politely beside one another … Read more

Best friends share part 2_(0)

Best Friends Share The Morning After Chelsea and Tami awoke feeling fulfilled and happy. They had gotten exactly what they wanted and it had been better than they expected. Roger and Mike woke happy, then it dawned on them what they had done. Guilt and remorse quickly hit both men. They couldn’t even look at … Read more

The Wife Next Door ch. 4-Babysitting Angela

Angela is a 15-year-old knockout and the stepdaughter of one of my Dad’s old friends from the law firm. She has the cutest face you have ever seen, complimented by her sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair. When she smiles it lights up the room and the little dimples on her cheeks and her white … Read more

Darkness Within: Chapter 1, Beginnings

I’m a good man. Ask anyone. I am active in the community, a supporter of humanitarian causes, a dependable friend, and a responsible (and very successful) businessman. Just last month I received a prestigious award for my contributions to assist victims of human trafficking and sexual slavery. I accepted the award and gave a stirring … Read more

The Brother and Sister Next Door (8-9)

The Brother and Sister Next Door (8-9) They all ate dinner together. Dad made an announcement. The company was sending him out of state for two weeks, and he had to leave right after dinner. “Awwww, we’ll miss you dear.” mom said. Brad got a burning feeling right in his gut. Mom smiled at Brad. … Read more

A Night With Maria

He had been watching her dance for several nights at the seedy strip joint that was a few miles outside of the town that he was sent to work. A small town with a population of under 20000, but the bar always had a large crowd of mostly average looking men who liked to drink … Read more