Cleaning the Shed day 6 and 7

Day 6 The ringing of her phone woke her. Groggy Emily felt around her bed to find the origin of the sound. Finally she found it and answered the call. “Hello? Emily?” “Yeah?” she mumbled. “Who is this?” Her focus drawn elsewhere by a tickling feeling between her legs. It seemed Kenny woke up too. … Read more

Betting on Haley – Part 1

Betting on Haley – Part 1 Skipping Class Two and a half weeks ago my friend Carly and I decided to skip a couple of afternoon classes and go get fries at the local café. I had recently been dumped by my longtime girlfriend and Carly thought I needed cheering up. Of course Carly, being … Read more

My Dear Sweet Slave: Chapter 2

Chapter Two ‘I don’t want to get up, this bed is so warm…’ Feeling like he was coming out of anesthesia, Isaac could hear activity in the background of his apartment, but he didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, especially after how hard he had “worked” the night before. ‘I don’t hear my … Read more

Her Spell; Part Two

Her Spell; Part Two It was autumn, but only because the calendar decreed it thus. Summer still lurked in the bushes and slipped in unseen behind the wind and hovered, flat and thick, near the ground, refusing to surrender territory it had spent three months subduing and colonizing. The sun rose later and fell earlier, … Read more

Ch. 60: Who Wants A Load Of Cum?

Chapter 60: Who Wants A Load Of Cum? The hotel bar was very typical. Subdued lighting, standard layout, just a few travelers having a drink. I settled in at the end of the bar. A young guy, probably college age, asked for my order. Once he had relayed my food order, he returned with my … Read more

Bear Naked

Bear Naked I looked at the tall redhead across the school parking lot putting her books into her car. She had to be no older than sixteen but she walked with the confidence of a woman in her late twenties. The last thing she did before she zoomed off and left me sitting there in … Read more


Down the street from where I work in the mall, there’s a homeless shelter. I drive past it every single day, and I see people of all ages standing about in scraped together clothes, hair matted down with dirt and possibly blood, with no way to make it better for themselves. It saddens me to … Read more

Jane – Gloryhole Slut

“Bullshit!” I couldn’t believe what my friend was telling me. “I’m sorry Steve, but I’m not making this up. She was there, and she went in that booth, and then a line of about three guys took turns going in the other one. When they were done, she came out. I went and checked the … Read more

Weekend with Katie, Part 3

Part 3 – Sunday The anticipation of the possible next physical contact with her filled me with excitement, but also terror she would realize how wrong it was for her own uncle to see her naked or touch her. But eventually I did sleep. Several times in the night I awoke and could tell I … Read more

Watching Little Casey Next Door

Dan Dixon, mid thirties and six years divorced, lives alone and works from home but is frequently on the road. His is the kind of lifestyle that doesn’t lend itself to a stable relationship, and aside from the occasional part time girlfriend, he’s comfortable being single. He’s lived in his suburban house about ten years … Read more

Moving Violation – Edited

“Just got your license?” he asks. “Yes, Sir,” I mutter. My heart feels like it’s in my belly. “Looks like you’ve only been driving about two weeks,” the cop says, aiming his flashlight at my license. It’s still the paper one. My real one hasn’t even showed up in the mail yet. “I know,” I … Read more

Van Trip

We’re heading along the motorway from the northeast of England where we live towards the county of Lincolnshire which is further down the east of the country. My travelling companion is Gemma. Gemma is the eighteen year old daughter of Laura. Laura and me have an open relationship based on two conditions. The first being … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch03 – The First Assault

Leaning back in his chair. “Undo my belt.” She held her arms as far out as she could and turned her head as she fumbled with the belt, not only was this the first time she was doing this but his belly was in the way making it harder. Finally she worked it free and … Read more

A Cruise with My Granddaughter

I traveled around the country for the rest of that year and most of the next without seeing my granddaughter. I talked to her on occasion when I would call, but only for a brief amount of time. In my paranoid guilt, I imagined that she was having second thoughts about our last encounter and … Read more