
i’m sitting in my room, looking at my reflection in the mirror as i apply my make-up, nothing to extravagant a little, pink blush on my cheeks, some light pink lipstick and black eyeliner. i pick up my hairbrush with delicately manicured slender fingers, tipped with pink varnish. pulling the brush through my long blonde … Read more

My little sister Lily, Chapter 2: Lily’s first lover_(0)

The sun came into the bedroom and I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked down beside me and there was my little sister. I got on my phone and ordered us breakfast then pulled her into my arms. She woke up just a little and rubbed my chest as she laid there. Her … Read more

Angel: Destroyed

Part 3 The next day, I awoke inside a large cage we kept in the basement for Beefy. It was tall, rising to the ceiling, but I was handcuffed low near the ground. The ball gag was gone, but replaced with the cloth bandanna over my mouth. My jaw ached from the ball gag. I … Read more

Good Man in a Bad Time

Natalie dropped her car down to second gear as the mountain road became steeper. It was snowing hard by now, and with night quickly approaching it was almost impossible to see the small signs put up at every crossroads. And, she admitted to herself, the tears weren’t helping her visibility either. It was too painful … Read more


“I have watched you ogling boys and girls, much younger than us. I would love to share an attractive boy and girl, much younger than us with you,” he told me. “And the buzz you get watching porn clips of women your age seducing young girls, and young girls seducing women your age is a … Read more

A Visit from Beth

I hadn’t seen my sister in several months and we were getting caught up. Since I moved from home we’ve only seen each other twice a year but now that she had graduated from community college she had time to visit. She was on her second night of a one week stay. I left home … Read more

Teacher’s Pet Ch 21

Teacher’s Pet Ch 21 Katee’s stomach wrenched as her tormenter’s car slowed down. She had no idea what he had planned for her today, but from the looks of it, it wasn’t going to be good. She looked around, he had pulled into the parking space of the local community center. She had been here … Read more

Come and Get it, Dad!

 AB-5275 COME AND GET IT, DAD! by Ray Todd FOREWORD The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all comers, male and female alike. The man who, during … Read more

Movie Night 9

“Daddy’s home!” Samantha Williams exclaimed, hearing the garage door open. She jumped up from the kitchen table, her school work forgotten. Barefoot, and wearing only tight shorts and a crop-top tee-shirt, she waited in the entryway to pounce on her father when he walked into their home. When the door opened, Samantha leapt into her … Read more

My Fathers Boss

There was a very important company gala coming up, a formal black tie event; my father needed a plus one. My mother has been away for the past three months taking care of my grandmother across the country. I was the last person he wanted to take to the event, and the gala was the … Read more

The Portrait – Part 1

Michael Preston awakened with an ache in his head, made worse by the insistent knocking on his front door. Unshaven and badly hung over from last night’s drinking, he slowly got up and walked over to answer the door, wearing only his khaki pants and no shirt. As was often true when he was like … Read more

Happy Birthday Nerd

Nirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends … Read more


I left my high school sweetheart Sarah behind and moved Southern California to attend a small college in a beach city. Any man who has been to college will tell you that the sex life for a freshman male can be difficult. Add to this the culture shock of arriving in Southern California from a … Read more

The Horny Dog – Part 1: The Daughter

Prologue I’m a dog. You may wonder what breed I am, but that’s irrelevant. And even if you were to ask, I would be unable to answer. I never had parents to educate me or siblings to play with. My first memory is that of a dark, grungy back alley. I can still remember the … Read more