Broken Birds, Part 25 Aftermath

Part 25 Aftermath Nancy accompanied Ted’s body to the States, insisting that her girls stay at the compound and continue to receive treatment and care, particularly their surgeries. She signed over temporary custody of Sandy to Michael. Becka had turned 18 a few days before, so she didn’t need a guardian. Nancy stood naked before … Read more

Breakfast can wait

Breakfast can wait The new maid was quite ordinary really. Ordinary height, ordinary width around the waist, adequate breasts, mousey hair, brown eyes wearing a freshly laundered maid’s smock. Very ordinary really. She seemed strangely calm as she walked in to my study for the first time. “Hop up on the sideboard my dear I … Read more

My Tortured Slave (Part 1)

I had her strung up by her hands, the tips of her feet just barley touching the ground. I frowned. She hadn’t woken yet and I was becoming impatient. I didn’t want to do anything until she was awake, it would be much more fun that way. I took a walk around the dark cellar … Read more

Cell phone slave 1

Cell Phone Slave Part 1 Amaya saw the package in her mailbox and fought to rein in her hopes. More than likely it was for her roommate, Helen. She pulled the package out of their tiny dorm mailbox and looked at the address. It was for her! Amaya searched the package for a return address … Read more

it started with my mom 5

Once my cock was in her…i held on to her car tight and started fucking her virgin pussy with a new filled animal lust….every thrust sending ripples through her body..kellys mouth fell open as the assault began….but no sound came out…instead her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled on me hard making me bottom … Read more

Little Sister Shana – chapter 1

– CAUTION – This story has supernatural beings, mind control, a little magic, and LOTS of incest. Later chapters include smoking, alcohol, drugs, group sex, and impregnation. You have been warned. This story does not follow ‘Succubus Canon’, if there is such a thing. – “But I’m HUNGRY Alex! Please, big brother?” “Sorry, Shana, but … Read more

Carnal Actions.

I met Trudi when she was young. Her family joined our church and became active in the youth program. Over the next few years, I watched her grow from a child to a lovely young woman. She was always quiet and rarely interacted with any of the other members of our youth group. Although I … Read more

Church Camp: Part One

I love being the youth leader at my church… I’m 23 years old and I have a thing for the younger ladies. Nothing creepy mind you. I am just very skilled at appreciating the beauty God has given teen and preteen girls. There’s a certain innocence about them that lends itself to certain fantasies. Ok, … Read more

first time with ‘Daddy’

Friday of my 13th birthday, I had finished school for the summer and had walked home with my friends, we chatted and I received my birthday presents as we walk and because of this I was a little later getting home. When I got home Dave was standing in the Kitchen, he screamed at me, … Read more

Church Camp: Part Two_(1)

Wednesday had passed about the same as Tuesday. I stopped the boys as they tried to get into trouble. The girls practiced their flirting on the male chaperones, who found it cute and funny to play along. I swam and dunked the kids. The boys got into it this time and a wrestling match got … Read more

Going Nova ch. 10: Hazel Goes Nova

Hazel checked the time on her phone and noticed that she and Warrick were a couple hours into the afternoon birthday party they had been invited to. The party was hosted by Warrick’s friend Tyler, and the two had known each other since shortly after Brie was born. They had met on a new-fathers community … Read more