Worth the Wait

Every since I could remember I have had troubling thought. Seems like I have always just been waiting on the right opportunities to act on them. Oh I’ve had a few but the thought of getting caught always kept me from acting on them. But working out of state and traveling like I do. The … Read more

The Fall of Brooklyn – ch04 – A New World

Pushing open the door to the bedroom he led his new toy into the bedroom. It was quite the sight, him well dressed in a tweed jacket and waistcoat, with nothing on his lower half, and a teenage girl on a lead crawling behind him. “Stand up fuck toy.” Looking up she saw she was … Read more

The Girl – Stories: Man on the bench 2

The man, who Lilly named Mr. Williams in her head, did not come for the next outdoor fitness class. Lilly got worried she spooked him. She even went to the disabled toiled to look for him, but he just did not come. The second week, she noticed him lurking in the bushes, checking the park. … Read more


Moonlight, soft, ephemeral, lovely… Pale, insubstantial beams cascaded through the open window. The curtains fluttered slightly in the night breeze- thin, translucent fabric billowing outwards, then folding slowly back in on itself. Their gauzy shadows danced across the luxuriously carpeted floor; they climbed, swirling, up the blanket hanging carelessly off the side of the bed. … Read more

Slave girl punished

Anisha was a pretty little slave girl. She had been born and was being raised on the plantation of James Brandywine. It was a large cotton plantation with many slaves to work the fields and serve James and his family of four in the big manor house. The Brandywine plantation was one of the largest … Read more

Lusting For Sara

For the record, let me say that up until the other night, I never even thought about cheating on my wife. She’s a beautiul woman who at age 35 istill has the same measurments she had when we first met when she was 21. Like I said, I never thought of cheating until Sara came … Read more

Broken Birds, Part 6, Reunion

Part 6 Reunion An exhausted Michael arrived in New York the following night. As he exited Customs, he saw a uniformed driver holding a card with his name. Surrounded by four bodyguards, Michael handed the man the handle of his suitcase and followed him to a waiting limousine. The contrast between the bustling terminal and … Read more

Rachel’s Shaved Pussy III

After Kirsty’s party on Saturday, which had ended with a mess of glorious girl-on-girl fucking between me and her, I had gone home, and woken in the mid-afternoon, where realizing my younger brother was watching had added an extra fillip to my wake-up wank. That was Sunday, meaning Monday was right around the corner, and … Read more

First Time.

On Friday. I Saw Him In The Hallway & As Always He Grabbed My Hand & Hugged Me Tight. It Was Obvious He Liked Me. I Liked Him Back. He Was Sweet. Always Had A Contagious Smile. Then After We Hugged He Said, “What Are You Doing Tonight?” I Said, “I Dont Know Why?” He … Read more

Daddy’s Day Surprise

The day had not gone as planned. What should have been a day of leisurely barbecuing and relaxing had turned in to hell on earth. As if an emergency dragging you in to work on a Sunday wasn’t bad enough, it had resolved just in time to hit the traffic created by a major accident … Read more

Operation Violation: Chapter Two

Ray dressed himself back into the clothes he’d discarded around the house and made his way outside, intending to check on the two girls he’d locked in the shed. He approached the small building and unlocked the door, swinging it open. On the cot inside, Kasey and Karah were both cuddled close, looking very terrified. … Read more

The New Girl & The Arts of Love Pt.2

3 Leaving Willow panting and sweaty, Henry moved off her. He got out of the bed and, seemingly not at all exhausted by the intensive sexual act, got back to his armchair. He watched her closely, his eyes obscured by the shadows in the room. She looked at him and she knew that her lessons … Read more

The joys of vodka!

‘Ready?’ Leah yelled. 15 year old Abbey and Leah were on holiday in Cyprus. Abbey had family out there and they had been kind enough to offer her and her friend a room for a week. Abbey looked flustered and tottered down the steps in her high heels. She looked perfect her blonde hair twisted … Read more

Mr.C, Jon, and Montgomery

It was Friday afternoon. Last period of the day at Marshall Middle School. Montgomery Sade was in 8th grade American History Class.- I walked in to Mr.C room. Mr.C, was my American history teacher. His first name Carl and last name Fernan. I absolutely hated Mr.C, but had heart for him way down deep inside. … Read more

A farm Adventure

A Farm Adventure They’d been travelling for hours on this back road, which now Ron began to see as a fire trail, something that his sedan couldn’t really negotiate properly. Ron had taken a short cut that he been told about by the service station attendant, which sounded like a good deal. The only problem … Read more

Daddy Makes Out with my Girlfriend

Daddy Makes Out with my Girlfriend 1 __Daddy would be real unhappy if he knew I was telling this story. None of my friends would believe me anyway, so what the hell….. My daddy was having an affair with the lady down the street. Mom was having an affair with a guy at her work. … Read more


It started out just like any other weekend. Not sure of what to do. Not sure how it would end up. Friends called up with an offer to go watch a hockey game. Sure, why not, I wasn’t doing anything else. We got warmed up in the parking lot, tailgating, drinking a few beers. I … Read more