The Way of the War part 2

The Way of the War Part 2 For that two years Ms Green never entered my thoughts, but now she did…where was she…she said she would be back. She said we were familiars that we were connected….Where was she. In 1940 at age 17 I started my senior year I and all my friends had … Read more


My plan was to spend time with my son. His friend Trevor had another plan. Trevor had to start work at 4pm so he showered, gave me a long lingering kiss and headed off. I sat in the lounge still quivering from his love making. Such a young boy but so knowledgeable about how to … Read more

Fat dad pt 2

Fat Dad Pt 2 Part 2 of a series, if you just came across this you need to find part 1 The trip to buy workout clothing was a real eye opener. Mom had changed into some loose fitting shorts and a low cut summer top. She had a bra on that pushed her tits … Read more

Empire Bay’s winter nights

Chapter 1 Sleep well in Empire Bay. I was staying with Aunt Jen for three days in Empire Bay while my parents went to Liberty City for the funeral of Uncle Jack. “Aunt Jen” as I had always known her was not actually my aunt but Mum’s friend Jennifer, but she had always been known … Read more

Mid-life crisis – Descent into depravity part 1

After returning from my holiday, I struggled to get back to normality. My problems were due to the holiday romance with Alex. It had been out of this world and had taken me to a level of ecstasy I couldn’t have dreamt possible. Needless to say, I could no longer carry on with Matt. I … Read more

Mommy Wants It All

My girlfriend Elisa was my high school sweetheart and now that we were in college we thought that her mother would no longer be able to control her. Boy were we wrong. She knew Elisa’s schedule down to the minute but it seemed as if she would time her calls perfectly to interrupt our make … Read more

Mama’s Boy

My mom is a heavier woman. She’s got a really cute face, nice big tits, and the type of big ass that I’ve seen in many pornos, but the short of it is.. She’s kinda chubby and because of which, she has low self esteem. She’s always been a bigger girl, that’s probably how she … Read more

Substitute dad pt.1

“Mr. Chandler!!!!” Todd turned at hearing his name called. A sixteen year old beauty was facing him. Wholesome good looks, perky breasts, and a tiny waist perched atop a delightful bubble butt, tapering down to a pair of gorgeous gams, aptly displayed by her Daisy Dukes. Her low slung shorts exposed her hip bones, and … Read more

The Dirty Game: Chapter 1

The Dirty Game: Chapter 1 Dave 15 years old 5 feet 8 inches in height, black hair green eyes and had a normal body; he was a smart but relatively shy kind of teenager. He had got a scholarship and had come to join his high school in New York, he wanted to stay in … Read more