A Bag of Flour Chapter 3

This is the third chapter in the story of my sexual awakening. You may want to read the original story and then chapter 2 before proceeding with this chapter. The story is based on a series of events that actually happened, but it has also been enhanced by my fantasies as to what might have … Read more

What did you say? [ Pt.1 ]

NOTE: This story is a fictional incest story which is contradicting to all of the other incest stories where the boy does all of the pursuading, in this one, the mother does the pursuading. This isn’t ment to be taken seriously or to be taken as a guide to help in real life. Hell, I … Read more

Sexting my son 3

could not believe how this sexting, that is what they call it? How this sexting with my son boosted my confidence. It felt like all the worlds frustrations were falling away. I was actually doing something sexual and feeling safe about it. It was such an open feeling, something that had been out of reach … Read more


I guess I start here, at the beginning. So I’ll begin by introducing myself. Hi, my name’s Dan, I’m 14, 6ft tall, which is quite tall for my age. I have long brown hair and brown eyes and a rather trim figure, not ripped or anything, just average, and my cock extends 7 inches when … Read more

Extra Classes 2

Hello friends, This is the continuation of my previous story “Extra Classes” (please read it if not done so yet, for information about me and my fantasy). As usual your positive comments would be delightfully appreciated and I would accept any negative comment with utmost PLEASURE too (oh the pun!). Here a brief recap of … Read more

Chooks Mum

Chooks Mum. Chook and I had been best mates for as long as I can remember and our mums treated us like a part of the family so we felt right at home in each others houses. We had played a lot of sex games with the locals girls but Chook was still a virgin … Read more

I Caught Mom… Or Did She Catch Me? 6

Whomever said sleep comes easy in the arms of one that you love clearly never fucked his hot sister. I was exhausted not 3 hours earlier and yet now all I can do is try to stop myself from mounting and possessing Lydia. She fell asleep so easily and peacefully in my arms. Never did … Read more

The DReAMers part 3

The Northern night sky slowly rotated above us inside the great astronomical dome of the Magellan Planetarium as the audience sat listening to the Astronomer in residence as he talked about all things Universal and our place in it. The auditorium was packed for his monthly lecture and I had been lucky enough to get a … Read more

Anything for An A_(0)

Her eyes opened wider as she saw the large 60% in red ink on the cover of the blue book as it came to rest on her desk. “Dammit,” she mumbled to herself. She was certain that she had done well on the test, but flipping through the blue book she noticed that she had … Read more

the event

So having both your parents die in a terrible crash when you were a baby, and being sent to live with your aunt and uncle and their four older boys; is not the childhood I would have liked to have but did. Being that my uncle played football in high school and college, his four … Read more