My Life. Ch. 4…

5 Months later… Summer had come and gone. It had been pretty good too. I was still cumming in my mom’s mouth daily, and since I was out of school and home most days, we were usually squeezing an extra one in there, raising my average to 4+ blow jobs a day. On top of … Read more

Wild Waterpark Field Trip ch. 2

*This is the second chapter in the Wild Waterpark series, so you should read chapter one before continuing. Please only leave comments that relate to this story. Ms. Centeno made her way across the waterpark to the private pool area, which was reserved for her 12th grade class. Her dark brown hair was still wet … Read more

Favorite Aunt

Miserable Aunt My marriage wasn’t much of one. It felt more like a partnership than a marriage. I was on the road a lot to make ends meet and my wife was working part time, being homemaker and raising our daughter. Needless to say, we both were pretty miserable without being able to spend much … Read more

Mum’s Generosity – Chapter 1

Mum’s Generosity Chapter 1 Frank lay back on the bed, eyes closed, totally naked and pumped his cock. At 14, he had recently discovered the joys of masturbation and in the two weeks since his first powerful and almost scary orgasm, only one thing had entered his head to play as fantasy to his throbbing … Read more

The Wolf Next Door Chapter 4

“Vance.” There was that name again. A woman calling and interrupting my focus. Why did she bother me? Couldn’t she it was there in the field? I could. Two ears sticking up. It bounced around alert to the possibility of the hunter. The possibility of me? I don’t know. Blood pumped through its body and … Read more

Poker Night with Ma

Don’t get me wrong. I love my Ma, but I’ve only lived alone for a short time and like spending my spare time with privacy. I know I only use it to look at porn and play video games all day, but what can I say, I’m a horny guy with needs. What I don’t … Read more

Stripping Anonymously For My Mother

It was due to my college tuition that it all happened. After my parents had divorced two years ago my father had moved across the country and cut off all contact with me. My Mom had had to take two jobs for awhile just to get out of the pile of bills she was under … Read more

Fight For The House

Fight For The House You would think getting a call from your mother-in-law needing a favor would be torture, especially when she was technically your ex mother-in-law. In most cases maybe it would be but in the case of Violet and me, nothing could be farther from the truth. You see, even though my marriage … Read more

The Young Master and his Ebony Slave (Part Two)

“Mmmm… it’s morning already?” Denise stretched and sat up. Her legs were feeling a little numb from last night. She gently moved her legs over to the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. “Woah…” Looking at her clock she noticed that it was 11:24 a.m. She shrugged and made her way to the … Read more

Internet fun

There are defining moments in life that make you look at things or people differently. For me, that moment came a couple of years ago with respect to my mother. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 10. My dad really wasn’t in the picture much and my mom did her best at … Read more


Bobby Jo We first met just after I started junior high school. I had entered the seventh grade like many others, in that I was awkward, felt alone and out of place most of the time. Miss Bobby as she was called singled me out on my first trip to the library in search of … Read more

The Kingdom ch. 01

The Kingdom Ch. 01 Prince Atheling took careful aim with his crossbow and let the bolt fly. The poor pigeon never had a chance as the bolt struck it and it tumbled out of the sky. But as it did, it fluttered down behind the grove of bushes that lined the bottom of the castle … Read more

The Prophecy Ch. 5

The Prophecy Ch. 5 This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in … Read more

Mom’s Cum Tribute III

A couple of days went by before my mom, and I had another opportunity for another tribute session. I was in my room when mom came in; her arms were behind her back. “Are you busy sweetie? Do you have time for another cum tribute?” I gave her a smile which said, ‘I am always … Read more